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"Hey! You're still asleep. Get up immediately or there will be consequences," her mother's shrill voice pierced through the room.

Heer roused from her slumber at the sound, quickly heading to the bathroom to start her morning routine, completely unaware of the looming storm ahead.


Upon hearing my mother's shouts, I promptly rose from my bed and headed straight to the bathroom

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Upon hearing my mother's shouts, I promptly rose from my bed and headed straight to the bathroom. It was already eight o'clock, and considering I had to open the café at 9:30, I took a brisk shower. Opting for the easiest outfit to throw on, I made my way to the dining area for breakfast.

I warmly greeted my father with a generous smile and embraced my sister, sister-in-law, and brother, who mean everything to me

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I warmly greeted my father with a generous smile and embraced my sister, sister-in-law, and brother, who mean everything to me. With a forced smile, I acknowledged my "so-called mom" and then enjoyed a breakfast of poha and orange juice. After snapping a photo of my meal, I posted it to my Instagram story, where I have a following of over 70k.

 After snapping a photo of my meal, I posted it to my Instagram story, where I have a following of over 70k

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Her breakfast

I rushed out of the house and dashed to my car, only to find that it wouldn't start.
"Why does this always happen when I'm in a hurry?" I muttered in frustration.
I hurried out of the garden and made my way to the main road in search of an auto since taking a cab would take too long.
Luckily, I found one almost immediately and negotiated a fare of 50 rupees, as haggling was in my blood.

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