The program

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Amy and Grace join us for lunch the next day.

I was serving them a simple dish Tina and I had prepared - a rich tuna sandwich with some salad on the side. 

We started joking around about Tina and  Dave. Even if she got drunk out of nervosity, it was obvious that they had instantly clicked. I was really happy for her. 
From the looks of it, Dave seemed like a great guy. Cute, blond, with a eyes that light up whenever he was talking with Tina.

- Hey, Beatrice. What about you? Any guy you're dating? Amy asks playfully.

I freeze. Tina and I exchange glances. I clear my throat.

- Yes. I have a boyfriend in New York. But, eum, we're actually on a break. That's why I came here. I'm not staying long though I've got to head back.

- You don't seem eager to do so, though, Grace points out.

No shit, Sherlock.

I force out a small chuckle.

"Tristan and I haven't been the best, lately. And once I get back there, I'll have to tell him that I applied to the program."

The last bit of my sentence was directed to Tina. She clarifies to our friends briefly about the  program and the fight that it caused.

"Okay. Let me get this straight." Grace starts. "You got an invitation to a really important program abroad. Tristan wants you to stay with him and not take it. This starts to burden your relationship and causes problems. You come here while you're on a break and apply to the program anyways."

- Yeah that's pretty much it.

A brief quiet moment passes by.

"Beatrice. I think you did the right thing." Amy says. "And maybe I don't get to have a say in this, but in my opinion, if the relationship hasn't been making you happy for such a long time, maybe you don't belong together. I mean, having a partner is all about support and love. Has he given you that when it came to building your career and pursuing your ambitions?"

- THANK YOU! Tina says.

- I want to go so badly. You really have no idea. And yes, it hurt me when he wasn't excited about it. But applying behind his back... I don't know. Relationships are also about honesty. And I'm lying to the person who has proven to be by my side all along.

Tina clicks her tongue.

- Doesn't seem like he's on your side concerning the program. Doesn't that make you question it?

I stay silent. Because really, there is no answer to what she said. Because I knew deep down that she was right.

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