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A/N: One of my best friends didn't talk to me for a whole day because of the last chapter, even though it's my birthday... Sorry guys but it was obviously the plot from the beginning. This is THE END, I'm sorry to announce. It came to a close horribly suddenly but I was really struggling and just had to finish it. This is quickly written with loads of mistakes and it's short as, but I hope you enjoy it.

I give you... The last chapter of 365 days!!! Happy Reading!!!


- 1064

I died.

Just as I was promised, I was dead after 365 days, even if I was cheated out of a few weeks. I try to act cool about that but in reality, I'm pretty annoyed. People always get longer than their expected time, so why did I get less? 

I didn't even have time to say goodbye. Sure it's not like it could have mattered to me because I was in and out of consciousness for the time before it. But it would have mattered to my parents, my brother, Olive and of course, Alex.

Imagine finding closure without saying goodbye. 

As I said, I died. 

I was dead for two minutes and thirty four seconds.

And then I wasn't. 

I'm still not entirely sure how that happened. Dr. Patrick explained it to me when I woke up from my operation. He had been researching throughout the year for a way to save my life and then he came across an operation. 

It was to cut out the lining of my abdominal cavity, remove my appendix and do some other stuff that i couldn't hear over my vomit splashing the bucket. 

I still can't think about it without getting sick.

Anyway. It took me a month to recover from surgery and a further three to go through chemo to make sure my cancer was gone for good. 

That was three years ago, and no sign of it has come back.

I pull up to the town line, driving through the trees to get to the spot. The grass is shining in the sun and the top of the lake is casting magnificent rays of light all over the place. I can't hide my smile as I see the other car here, parked daringly close to the edge of the lake. On the hood of the car is the biggest idiot I know. He's sitting in shorts and a t-shirt, soaking up the warmth. Soon, it'll get damn cold so we're making the most of the sun while it lasts.

I come to a stop beside the Jeep and follow the usual routine of getting out of the car. Gearstick in Park, handbrake on, keys out, door open.

He pretends not to notice me as I walk up to the car, sitting on the hood beside him.

"You're late."

I roll my eyes, shoving him so hard he nearly falls off the car. And then I laugh and say; "My classes finished like, twenty minutes ago. I came straight here!"

"Nup, no excuse," he winks, then turns to me for the first time, his gorgeous brown eyes twinkling with mischief, and pecks me on the lips.

"Whatever," I huff, trying to ignore the annoying butterflies in my stomach. We've been together for over three years and I still get butterflies and red cheeks and what not. He doesn't let me forget it either.

"Don't you whatever me." Alex pokes his tongue out at me and pinches my nose, before sliding off the hood of his Jeep and offering me a hand to do the same.

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