"All right time to spill," I looked over at him while taking my first bite of toast. I didn't even care the crumbs were falling onto me.

"All right Ms. Tequila, hold on tight," he said with a chuckle. "What's your last memory?"

I thought back trying to piece my last memories together. I was at the dinner table slamming wine trying to avoid the eye contact from a few tables over. Corrine was at a table next to us, perfectly situated in my field of vision. She would wave and smile at me when I let my eyes venture too far, she seemed to always have her focus on me. As a result, my hand would reach for the wine taking big sips.

"I lose it almost immediately after dinner," I decided to share.

Charles nodded as he spoke, "that doesn't surprise me," he grinned while he took me back, the memories slowly returning like a black and white movie.

Images of Charles looking devilishly handsome throughout the night flashed to me first, us both enjoying the drinks, me trying to cope with the unwelcome presence.

Dinner was delicious, a mix of seafood and vegetables. Max and Kelly were at our table, everyone sharing a moment to talk and laugh. The few older drivers who were strangers sharing epic stories of their cars that had me intrigued.

Then the party began like Charles said, incredibly fun with dancing and games. I of course found myself at the black jack table. My lips wrapping around the little straw in my bottomless bourbon and coke. The games were coming hot, and something had come over me. Everyone around became my best friend. Card terms spilling out of me while there was constant hugging and yelling whenever someone would break or split.

"My mini Italian, you have the hot hand."

"More money more risk."

"All in."

The terms surrounded me while we all talked loudly in English, French, and Italian. Someone had put their sunglasses on my face, instantly transforming me into quite the personality. Acting like James Bond in Casino Royal, I was having the time of my life.

Charles joined me hopping in a game, the strangers around congratulating him for landing the Italian version of Bond. I was loving every second until a few more games passed.

Charles leaned into my ear, his voice playful while he sipped his drink as well. "Alright Florence, while I know we love charity, I think 3,000 dollars is good place to call it."

My mouth fell open in disbelief. "3,000 dollars, I thought I was winning," my voice loud and the entire crowd heard. The dealer chuckling at my shocked expression.

Charles laughed beside me as well, lose and comfortable as he draped his arm over me. "Yes my gambler, but all the money goes to charity. Even the pieces you pay for to play," he added.

I pushed my chair back abruptly, a giggle escaping from me. "Well boys, it was a pleasure but I'm out," I shouted. The players around me, complete strangers, applauding me. While the faces had become familiar, I finally realized why so many different people would play a couple of games and move on to be replaced by new people who I had treated as best friends. I had easily held down the table the longest now that I realized.

"We enjoyed your time tennis star, thanks for your contributions tonight," the dealer smiled sending a wink my way.

I did a spin when getting up from the table taking a bow, the sunglasses falling into my face. An oh came out of me, my hands finding the sunglasses.

I clumsily grabbed them and held them out to the person next to me. He smiled and shook their head, telling me they were meant for to be mine. I graciously accepted as he stood and kissed my cheek. "Now go dance with your driver," he said.

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