Sokka: That part I don't mind.

_: of course you dont mind
General Sung, Aang , Sokka, Toph and Momo watch as Katara spreads the blue energies of her healing technique over the arm of one of the fallen warriors.)

General Sung: What's wrong with him? He doesn't look injured.

Katara: His Chi is blocked. (dissipates the energies) Who did this to you?

Terra Team Soldier: (moaning) Two girls ambushed us, one of them hit me with a bunch of quick jabs, and suddenly I couldn't earthbend, and I could barely move...and then she cart wheeled away. (recognition dawns in Katara's eyes)

Katara: (lookingaway thoughtfully) Ty Lee. She doesn't look dangerous, but she knows the human body and it's weak points.

_: and apperently even the strongest of skilled soldiers couldnt stop her or dodge her, yet i can every time

general sung: you can dodge her and myet my men cant, i find that hard to believe a little 12 year old girl like yourself, can best my men and block the chi blockers moves

katara: its true. anyway, It's like she takes you down from the inside.

Sokka: (an idea suddenly hits him and he begins gesturingwildly) Ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo!

Katara: Yes?

Sokka: (excitedly) What you just said, that's how we're gonna take down the Drill. The same way Ty Lee took down all these big earthbenders.

_: i see where your going with this.

Toph: (enthusiastically) By hitting its pressure points!

Aang/_: (looking out a window at the Drill below) We'll take it down from the inside.

Toph: (gesturing back towards the Drill) Once I whip up some cover, you're not gonna be able to see, so stay close to me.

(Leaping from the trench, Toph begins a strenuous earthbending gesture that ends with a powerful foot stomp, sending a mighty blast of dust and broken stone rocketing along the ground toward the drill.)

Toph: Run!

(Racing closely behind Toph, the team plunges into the swirling white dust cloud. The scene cuts to the Drill Command Center, where Ty Lee is again looking out through the periscope.)

Ty Lee: (peering more closely) Hey, look at that dust cloud. (periscope view shows front of drill and billowing cloud) It's so...poofy. (looks back to the others with a spaced-out expression) Poof!

War Minister Qin: Don't worry Princess. I'm sure it's nothing. (Azula looks to Ching doubtfully)

(Cut to Toph and the rest running through the thick dust to emerge near the front of the drill. Standing in the drill's shadow, she bends open a pit in the ground.)

Toph: Everyone into the hole!

(Toph hops down into the hole after the others, and the surface immediately swirls shut above them. The camera pans down below ground and into utter blackness)

Sokka: It's so dark down here, I can't see a thing.

Toph: (faking horror) Oh no, what a nightmare.

Sokka: Sorry.

_: you really have an act for saying stupid things dont you brother.

sokka: hey!

_: 'im just saying' (she quoted him)

(Cut to the surface, underneath the drill, where the ground bulges upwards and opens up. Toph emerges, followed by the others. They stand underneath the Drill itself, a vast, gloomy region framed by long rows of tracked wheels, with the Drill's body as its ceiling.)

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