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a meteor shower flying across the night time sky.
Katara: Wow, this is amazing to watch.

_: even tho ive seen this 4 other times its really something

aang: 4 other times? (he says as he puts his arm over her sholder)

she giggled and blushed slightly at his actions

_: when i was off on my independence run away.

katara: who far DID you run off.

_: well hehe.... the farthest i may have gone was...omashu

katara/aang: omashu!

katara: how... how did you make it that far... you could have been killed! or worse!

_: well im fine. nothing happened

(Cut to a shot of Aang and company lying on a makeshift roof covering Appa and staring up at the sky.)

Sokka: (after katara stated how nice it was, he blocked out everything else) Kind of makes you realize how insignificant we are.

Toph: Eh, you've seen nothing once, you've seen it 1,000 times.

aang: should we tell him you weent to omashu before

_: na, he wasnt listening so its his problem

the two laughed _snuggled into aangs shoulder (wow they are "only" friends, and yet they say they are)

(There is a sparkle in the sky as a large meteorite enters the atmosphere and falls toward the earth.)

Sokka: Oh, man. You've never notseen anything like this.

(Sokka, Aang, _, Momo lala faith and Katara all sit up and stare at amazement at the meteorite, engulfed in blue fire. the meteorite whistles through the air and passes over their heads. Sokka turns around and watches as the meteorite crashes in a huge, blue explosion off in the distance, causing him to shield his eyes. Toph stands up in surprise. the group all look at the smoke rising from an orange glow. Aang _, Katara, and Sokka look to each other nervously.

Appa flying down towards a large, fire filled crater where the meteorite landed.)

Katara: The fire is gonna destroy that town.

Aang: Not if we can stop it.

Katara: There's a creek over here. we'll bend the water on to the fire. (Katara whips Appa's reigns and flies off.)

Aang: Toph, let's make a trench to keep the fire from coming any closer.

Sokka: (dejectedly) What should I do?

Aang: Keep an eye on Momo lala faith snowflake and jenjen (Momo flies to Sokka and lands on his head.)

Sokka: So what, I'm just a pet-sitter (petting Momo's head) There, there. Feel better?

(Cut to Aang and Toph running toward the fire. They both swing their arms down and cut a fissure through the ground in front of the fire. Aang and Toph raise their hands, then fling their arms to both sides, bending the fissure into a trench and pushing the fire back. Cut to Sokka and Momo. Flaming embers fall around them. Sokka frantically stamps one out with his club while Momo stamps out the rest and jumps back on Sokka's shoulders. Sokka looks back to see all the other fires put one and gives Momo a sour expression. Katara and Appa flying over the nearby creek. and _ Katara bend a huge orb of water out of the creek and high into the air. _ and Katara bending the water behind her, stabilizing it. Sokka watching Appa fly over the fire while Katara and _ spray a shower of water from the orb putting out most of the flames Toph moving her hands from side to side, bending a large, rectangular slab of stone to roll over its edges and stomp out more flames. Sokka and Momo and the other pets watch the stone slab pass by. Aang taking the orb of water from Katara with his waterbending as Appa flies past him.)

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