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Zuko: (Cut to a tray full of tea cups, holding a kettle and filling up the empty cups) No one can make tea like Uncle. But hopefully I learned a thing or two. Would you like to hear Uncle's favorite tea joke?

Katara: Sure. (the group sitting around a fire)

Aang: I like jokes.

Toph: Bring it. (Zuko stands up with his tray)

Zuko: Okay. (kneeling between The Duke and Haru) Well, I can't remember how it starts but the punch line (the boys help themselves to the tea) is, "Leaf me alone, I'm bushed." (They give a dead panned look. the rest of the group giving Zuko the same look as well) Well, it's funnier when Uncle tells it.

Katara: Right. Maybe that's because he remembers (grabs a cup) the whole thing.

(Aang laughs and helps himself to a cup. the group laughing as well. Zuko smiles.)

Toph: It's nice to get a chance to relax a little. (Zuko walks between Toph and Teo and hands them their drinks.) It hardly ever happens. (They proceed to drink their tea)

Sokka: (sitting by himself at the side, thinking) Hey, can I talk to you for a second?

_: ('i wonder what this is about') i'll be in my room (she leaves the area and goes invisible) now its time to follow.

(He gets up and walks away. Zuko places his tray down and follows. They walk to the area where Appa is resting.)

Zuko: So (Appa wakes up and looks at them) what's up?

Sokka: (they continue to walk further into the dark) If someone was captured by the Fire Nation, where would they be taken?

Zuko: What do you mean? Who was captured?

Sokka: When the invasion plan failed, some of our troops were taken. I just want to know where they might be.

Zuko: I can't tell you.

Sokka: What? Why not?

Zuko: Trust me. Knowing would just make you feel worse. (He turns around and Sokka grabs his shoulder)

Sokka: It's my Dad. He was captured too. I need to know what I put him through.

Zuko: It's not good Sokka.

Sokka: Please.

Zuko: (closes his eyes) My guess is... (opens his eyes) They were taken to the Boiling Rock.

Sokka: (frowns slightly) What's that?

Zuko: The highest security prison in the Fire Nation. (Sokka's mouth goes slightly agape) It's on an island in the middle of a boiling lake. (Sokka folds his arms and looks serious) It's inescapable.

Sokka: So where is this place?

Zuko: Why do you need to know? What are you planning?

Sokka: Nothing. Boy, you're so paranoid. (waves his arm dismissively)

Zuko: (warily) It's in the middle of a volcano between here and the Fire Nation. You guys actually flew right past it on your way here.

Sokka: Thanks Zuko. (yawns and pats Zuko's shoulder as he walks past) Just knowing makes me feel better.

Zuko: Yeah, I'm sure it does.

(both of them as they walk back to the fire. Aang snoring in his sleep. Katara sleeping in her sleeping bag. the others are asleep as well sokka silently walks towards Appa with his belongings. Sokka lets out a sigh after successfully not waking anyone. His eyes widen. he nearly tripped over a sleeping Momo. He walks over him and patters his way towards Appa. He starts to climb up as Appa wakens. Sokka shushs him and Appa goes back to sleep. his hand reaching the saddle and pulling himself up to reveal Zuko already waiting for him.)

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