chapter 3

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its been a week going and visiting places, and they are now once again, soaring threw the air.

sokka looks at the map and marks all the places they visited. all random

sokka: you have no idea where we're going do you.

aang: i know its near water.

sokka: well then we must be close (sarcasm)

everywhere is water without end

aang: momo, marbles please.

momo crawls threw aangs shirt and give the marbles to aang

aang: hey ___ check out this trick i learnt

without looking

___: thats great aang (she said almost like a robot)

aang frownd

aang: you didnt even look

she looks at him

___: thats great!

aang: im not doing it now.

sokka: aang, leave ___ alone to sew. you know how girls need there concentration to do it

___: what does being a girl have to do with sewing

she asked alittle annoyed

both sisters were

sokka: everything. girls are good at cooking and sewing and guys are good at hunting, fighting and fishing... its the natural order of things.

both katara and __ have the same idea

katara: shes done fixing your pants

___: look at the great job i did

she hands the pants to katara, who throws them at sokka.

sokka: wait no i was just kidding. you cant leave them like this. katara. ___

aang: dont worry sokka, where were going, you dont need pants

___: no offence aang... but his boxers arent a sight i want to see.

all but sokka laugh

katara: a-men to that

they land

sokka: i dont get it, we took a pit stop yesturday, shouldnt we get more flying in before we camp out again.

katara: sokkas right, and at this rate we'll get to the north pole by spring.

aang: i know but appas tired right buddy........ right buddy

___ whispers in appas ear something, then appa yawns and lyies down,

sokka, wow really convincing.... but, i guess, besides who can deny a ten ton magic monster.

aang: great, besides we're not staying here for long. thats why were here.

he points to the sea.

he runs into it jumps and screams

aang: COLD

but goes in still anyway. he grabs on to a coy fishes fin and starts surfing it.

aang: wah-whoo

___: go aang!

aangs pov

this is the best. i havent had fun like this in 100 years... tho it feels like 2 weeks or so.

me: wah-whoo!

man i hope ___ is watching

then i hear her

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