Part thirteen - the backpack

Start from the beginning

"You called your dog Linda?" He asks holding back a laugh as I sheepishly nod, "Lilli." I say too quiet for Charlie and the man next to him to hear so Nick talks for me, "it's full name is.. Linda susan.? But I think she's just calling it Lilli." He says looking to me as I look to him.

Hiding my face in his shoulder embarrassed they all laugh softly before Charlie stops, "why isn't your dad with you?" He asks and Nick sighs, "I guess Ella didn't want to wake him up. But I've gotta get these two to the back yard before Linda pees on me.." Nick laughs as he starts making his way towards the hallway behind the staircase and beside the kitchen to go outside.

Me and my uncle fall silent as we- or he, makes our way outside and down the steps perfectly lit by the automatic lights dotting all around the garden and patio.

Placing me on my feet i immediately put Lilli down on the grass to go sniff or whatever before turning back to see Nicholas probably texting dad to let him know I'm okay.

As he puts his phone back into his blazer pocket we continue the silence as we- or I watch as Lilli sniffs about the well lit grass. Nicholas on the other hand 'subtly' watches me from the corner of my eye.

The longer we stand the more my legs ache as they begin to feel weaker, trying to hide it seems to fail as Nicholas huffs and escorts me to some seats beside the grass.

Sitting beside me as my legs go back to normal he continues to watch but now I don't think he's trying to hide it- looking over to him I awkwardly smile only for him to smile back unbothered.

"..what was school like?" Nicholas asks making my head turn to face him, "uh.. o-okay." I say making him smile slightly, "what was your favourite subject?" He asks and I think for a couple seconds, "I dunno." I sigh slightly as he smiles more, "your dad says you're good at art, he showed me a couple of the drawings you did- even ones from when you were little."

Blushing I smile at him slightly embarrassed, "they were good. Maybe you could try get back into art?" He says as I try hide a shiver that runs through my whole body, "w-what was- was your s-school like?" I ask trying to hide the fact I'm freezing only for him to laugh slightly.

Soon I find his blazer round my shoulders and him loosening his tie, "school was fine, a lot different to your school. But.. my favourite subject was probably~ English.? I dunno I didn't really like school that much." He says unbothered by the cold as he unbuttons the top button of his shirt.

Looking over to the grass to check if Lillis okay I see her sniffing about and every so often looking up to see me before wagging her tail and continuing her sniffing.

"What was your dad like back in England? I've asked him but he doesn't really talk about it." Nicholas asks as he leans back in his chair comfortably while I sit stiffly, only now less cold due to the big blazer over my shoulders, "he.. was like now.. b-but his jobs.. where -a-at d-day he was a labourer, but on we-weekends he w-would bartend a-at a pub."

"So during the day he was a labourer and at nighttime on weekends he would work at a pub?" He says more to himself as he chuckles, "he always said he wanted to work at a bar, but I think that was more as the owner of the bar than the bartender." Nicholas says before looking to me.

"What would you two do?" He asks and I shrug not knowing what to say, "like.. for your birthdays?" Nicholas asks and I smile, "for daddy's birthday we would wake up- a-and he would open presents fr-from me a-and his f-friends, then would g-go to wo-work o-or school a-and after, m-me, him a-and becky a-and lau-Lauren would go o-out fo-for a meal." I say as I unconsciously start smiling as I think about birthdays- especially dads, he would always love his birthday and would always be smiling.

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