Part eleven - codes and calculations...

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-london England-

The air is tense as Nicholas Rose and his eldest son Leonardo Rose enter the silent room, "you're late." Riccardo Valentino retorts annoyed and disappointed at the terrible time management his cousin is displaying, "something came up." He says unbothered taking his seat towards the head of the table as Leonardo hangs back and takes a seat next to his cousin- Francesco Valentino, eldest son of Riccardo Valentino in the surprisingly small and humble office.

At the front desk sat Montgomery Stark, watches the cousins closely while also keeping an eye on Sasha Petrov, who had received a last minute invite to this top secret meeting to understand more of this complex situation.

These four men and their four eldest children sit silently in the maximum security high-rise in the centre of london. the four fathers, all heads of their family's successful and incredibly influential businesses decided they needed to sit down in an attempt to understand what's happened and where it's going.

Montgomery ends the tense silence with a sigh as he leans back in his chair, "let's start with the codes. Firstly we all agree to get our best men into finding the password for Ivanovs vault, correct?" He asks and all of the men nod, "let's start simple, ..graysons number was twelve." Montgomery says surprising both Sasha and Nicholas.

"..Well Viktors number was one hundred and eighty seven." Sasha says in a heavy Russian accent which also sounds slightly confused at the vastly different numbers, he glances to Nicholas trying to understand what he's thinking as Nicholas only glances back in return.

"Ella's was eight hundred and twenty eight." Everyone falls silent as they mentally try to work out what these numbers could mean, "..right, I don't think we're going to get it right now. ..Send out these numbers to your smartest and most trusted individuals and keep each other updated on any ideas." Montgomery says in an annoyed tone as his son, Zayn Stark scoffs from behind him.

"Wouldn't it be easier to just get Malinowski and get the password from him ourselves.? He is the only person alive who knows what the code is." He asks leaning onto the corner of his fathers desk as his fathers glare deepens, "Zayn that man in a ghost, you know just as much as everyone else here that even with all the men we have working to get him we have little to no chance of even finding him- let alone getting the number from him.."

"-And don't forget that if we take Malinowski away from Vladmir Ivanov then he will die and his eldest son igor Ivanov will take over-" Montgomery brings himself to stop his rant as everyone's backs freeze over with chills.

No one wants to think about what would happen if Igor Ivanov took over the strongest underground business in Russia.

Everyone in this room knows that Vladmir is dying and weak- rumours say that's why wojciech Malinowski is working with him and why he's using humans as test rats to see how long Malinowski can keep Vladmir going from his inevitable demise.

Even Vladmir himself doesn't want his run to run Russia. That says a lot.

"You need to understand that we won't find him unless he wants to be found." Montgomery finishes as Zayn sighs and backs off, " we know his intentions? -And does anybody know anything about what the ivanovs are planning. I assume we all know they've both been seen in America." Sasha says looking around.

"Well we can assume it has something to do with Ella," Nicholas starts, "some of my guys found a small apartment where some of Vladmirs guys had been staying and they found notes and information they had been making and keeping of Ella."

Pity falls of Montgomery and Sashas faces, knowing the girl is younger than both of their youngest children they can't imagine what it's like being the parent of a child so unlucky to have such things happen and happening to her.

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