Part twelve - names and numbers

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Ellas POV:

The puppy stands on its hind legs with its two front paws on the counter of the island as we eat lunch, we got McDonald's on the way back and we also got some for everyone who's home including Alex, Harry, Alexa and Emily.

We're all now in the kitchen as everyone except me and Harry eat, I've given all of my food either to dad or the puppy and only had two chicken nuggets to myself but Harry hasn't eaten at all. He has his burger and chips and drink next to his laptop where he seems to be typing a lot of numbers into a software thing.

I don't know.. smart computer people stuff I guess.

"Have you thought of any names?" Alexa asks me with a posh British accent as she tilts her head slightly as she looks at me and the puppy, shaking my head no she smiles, "well we can always just name her after me," she laughs as Emily scoffs, "yours and Alex's names are similar enough, we don't need another Alex, alexa or Allie or whatever,"

Alexas super pretty, she's Alex's girlfriend and has been for the past couple years and it's my first time meeting her now and she's literally a super model. I even surprised myself and asked her after dad introduced us she laughed and said no and that she gave up her dream of being a model to be in a serious relationship with Alex.

Obviously Emily's also super pretty, I think dad said she was a model for a little while before she stopped as she didn't like all of the attention and went back to working part time at her public library at a nearby town as she likes a 'more quiet life'.

But I think my dad and his brothers all have the same type of ladies they like, Emily, alexa and all of the woman I've seen my dad.. with... all have brown to black hair, light coloured eyes and are all tall, especially compared to me- not to them they're all at least 6'3..

Alex laughs as alexa pouts, "it's a good name," she laugh as the puppy whines as it stares at the last chicken nugget, "what about chicken nugget?" Dad says and everyone laughs, "you want to name a dog chicken nugget?" Alex laughs and dad simply nods his head with a small smile, "what's wrong with that? It already kind of looks like a chicken nugget." Dad says as he pets the puppy's head as it's tail wags.

"Hmm, what about.." Emily says as she opens her phone and searches up dog name ideas, "Bella, Daisy, Bailey- we already have a Bailey. Coco, Luna, Lola, Lady, Sadie, Charlie, Chloé, Lucy, Molly, Athena- no we already have an Athena. Penny, june, beau.. Stella.. piper.." Emily slows down as she runs out of breath from saying all of the dog names, taking a big breath she stops, "oh my god," she sighs,"...June is cute."

"And beau," Alex says looking at the puppy, "what about, ..olive oil?" Dad asks making me laugh slightly as the puppy turns to me to see what's going on, "re-remember the cats name?" I ask dad quietly while trying not to laugh as he remembers the cat that used to live in our apartment building, his eyes light up as he laughs too as Alex asks what I mean.

"There was a cat," dad says laughing, "that- uh used to live in our apartment building and- and it's name was ..Hubert Bartholomew Montgomery Desmond Kitty Whiskers." He says chuckling as Alex and everyone else laughs at the randomness of the name, "Hubert bartholomew montgomery Desmond kitty whiskers? Who named it?" Alex laughs as dad shrugs, "it was the name on its collar but the address was the address of the apartment building, so I guess the whole building owned him but I don't know who named him."

"..You wanna name your dog something funny but have a cute nickname?" Emily asks me and I laugh and nod. 

Why not? Maybe it can make more people laugh like Hubert Bartholomew Montgomery Desmond kitty whiskers. ..and anyway everyone just called him berty so I can just call my puppy a cute nickname.

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