Part thirteen - the backpack

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Ellas POV:

Gasping as my eyes shoot open I immediately stop myself from sitting up as I feel a small pressure on my chest, my hands find Lilli quickly as she snuggles closer to me as I shuffle closer to dad asleep next to me.

Tears flood my eyes as I curl into dads side as Lilli wiggles awake, she whines as she sits up and cutely nudges my tear stained cheek with her nose to find me as she adjusts to the dark room.

I take deep breath after deep breath as I try calm my racing heart. dads soft snores and Lillis soft whines of worry help ground me back to the real world as I eventually calm down from the nightmare.

Sniffling as I pet Lilli who's cuddling into my chest I take one final deep breath.


what if Lilli needs the toilet?

immediately, I carefully sit up and stand out of bed, shuffling out of the duvet I bring myself to stand on my shaky legs, building enough courage I take a step forward as I force myself to not fall- especially with Lilli in my arms.

Eventually making it to the door I open it and take one final glance back at dad, still asleep and snoring softly, before stepping out and softly closing the door behind me. Keeping Lilli in one hand and the other on the wall so I don't fall I begin making my way down the dimly lit hallway.

Just as I reach the corner I go to turn right before finding my face in someone's chest and bouncing back due to them walking fast.

Before I can fall to the floor I feel two hands catch me and place me back into my feet as I hear them breath a small sigh. I don't look up to Nicholas as he fixes my hair before taking a step away from me and clearing his throat softly.

"Why are you up so late?" He asks in a tone he probably meant to sound comforting but just comes out like he's scolding me, "I-I I'm sorry." I say quietly while hugging Lilli closer to me and anticipating a slap or hit to my head or body.

"It's okay- I'm not mad." He says in the tone once again as he crouches before me in his slightly uncomfortable yet comfortable looking suit, "why are you up?" He asks again with his hands holding me so I can't make an escape, "Lilli- li-Lilli m-might need a-a wee." I say embarrassed as I see him smile softly in the corner of my eye as I continue to avoid eye contact.

"Lilli huh? That's a sweet name." He says stroking Lillis head as she lays sleepily in my arms, oblivious to any of my anxieties. "..L-Linda Susan." I say and finally look up to see his amused face before looking away again.

"You named your puppy Linda Susan?" He asks with a hint of amusement in his voice, nodding and smiling softly I bring her even closer to me as he sighs while almost admiring my face.

"Do.. you want help getting to the back yard? I don't think your father nor Charlie would be happy hearing about you running around at night. Especially with how youre still healing." He says with a slighter sterner tone as I nod sadly.

I should've maybe asked dad- but he's asleep. I don't want to be mean and wake him up. Wait- did I wake Nicholas up?

"I-.. i woke you up?" I ask worriedly as he comes out of his trance and looks at me with furrowed brown and a frown, "No- no sweetie you didn't. ..Now how about I help you to the back yard for- Linda.? To go to the toilet." He states more than asks and I bring myself to nod before finding myself in his arms as he carefully carries me down the hallways.

"Does your dad know you're awake?" He asks as we get to the top of the stairs, shaking my head he frowns, "might have to send him a text incase he wakes up then." He says more to himself as we go down the stairs and into the big entryway, "what are you two doing up?" I hear a voice- Charlie's voice ask as Nick chuckles, "Ella's worried Linda needs a wee." He says with a hint of amusement in his voice as a confused look falls on Charlie's face.

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