" I am sorry Pete" Pete sighed " I know you are sorry Vegas and I said I forgive you before in the phone didn't I?" he rushed his words like he does not want to talk to Vegas right now, stroking his stomach slowly

Vegas on the other hand felt like he is the happiest man alive when he heard Pete's angelic voice while looking at his gentle eyes and finally getting enough of his lemony scent which now comes to his nose mixed with a faint smell of milk, leather and sakura,

Vegas looked thoughtful" Who smells like sakura?" he asked, they need to be very close to Pete if their scent is this recognizable, is it that motherfucker Win? Or that weird omega Team?" None of your business Vegas" Pete said, Vegas opened his mouth to object but he closed it again quickly remembering he is trying to win Pete's heart now.

Vegas looked at him and studied his face for a long time while Pete looked away trying to escape Vegas's gaze

He tried apologizing again, he does not know what to do or say to make Pete come back to him" I am really sorry Pete, I said all of those hurtful things to you not knowing that I have actually fallen for you and not the old Pete" Vegas said as simple as possible, hoping Pete would understand the dilemma on his own feelings

Pete looked away " Or now that you realize that the Pete you love is gone, you are settling down with a cheap version of him like how you described it " he said barely keeping his tears from falling onto his cheeks, Vegas panicked, he really is not doing that,he just wishes he did not have such hasty reactions maybe this would have been more easily solved then

" No, no Pete, listen I know I messed up big this time but you need to believe me, after I think about it more detailed for this past month I realized I never loved him and I only love you, please believe me, I admired him and got obsessed with him from afar but I love you Pete, I love your smile, love your personality, love how you eat, love everything about you while I can't even bring an explanation on why I love you"

Pete chuckled this time letting his tears fall down on his cheeks

" I can never be sure of that Vegas, do you know how many stories I listened from Tiktok in my own universe that tell about how they find their shitty husbands crying for a girl even after many years of marriage?" he said, Vegas tried to answer but Pete continued

"Yeah Bible let that woman torture me physically and mentally, but he never loved anyone but me, I would never doubt he love anyone else but me and I don't think I could bare to be with someone who have a high chance of loving someone else more than me"

Vegas squeezed his hands into fists " Who is this Bible? Why are you talking about him non-stop?" he asked, Pete snorted, is he even listening to his words or trying to understand them?

" He is you but in my last universe, he has the same face and muscular body as you and most importantly he is as much red flag as you" Vegas felt a weird type of jealousy settling in his heart,

So Bible was the one Pete loved before encountering him? They even dated? He touched what belongs to Vegas

Now he can understand how it felt after what he said and did to Pete back then, feeling second to someone, knowing that the person you love loved someone else as much as you felt like he is dying

" Whatever Vegas I am going back now, I would appreciate if you just leave me alone" he said, Vegas will not do that of course, he will show Pete that he is better than Bible, he will treat Pete right while making him believe that he only loves him.

( Two Weeks Later, Beach, 6 AM)

Pete sigh in defeat while he sat down on the empty sunbed, nobody wants him to do any labor right now thanks to Vegas who scold everyone that orders Pete around for work.

In Another UniverseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant