Chapter 14 - Assembly Reassembles

Start from the beginning

Kacchan💥: You good for tomorrow??

Deku🥦: Could ask you the same
Deku🥦: But yeah I think I'll be fine

Kacchan💥: Good
Kacchan💥: I'm not going to be attacked so don't worry about me

Deku🥦: You don't know that
Deku🥦: Something could go wrong
Deku🥦: What if All Might doesn't remember?

Kacchan💥: He remembered just fine last time

Deku🥦: But what if he doesn't??
Deku🥦: I don't even know what I said or what triggered him

Kacchan💥: Izuku breathe
Kacchan💥: It'll be fine I won't be attacked and All Might will remember
Kacchan💥: I believe in you <3

Izuku's face flushed, flipping his phone screen down as he buried his head in his pillow. Part of him still couldn't believe Kacchan was actually his boyfriend- Had been over the course of several timelines now. That's how devoted he was to him. Izuku wasn't sure whether he deserved that, whether he was good enough to receive Kacchan's everlasting undying love. He couldn't imagine his life without him by his side, though. If something were to happen, if they didn't work out in the end, after all of this was over... Izuku wouldn't know what to do with himself.

Deku🥦: Thank you Kacchan <3

Kacchan💥: Just saying the truth nerd
Kacchan💥: Now sleep it's late

Izuku smiled at his screen, putting his phone on his nightstand after sending a quick goodnight text and flipping off the light. Kacchan was right, he should try and get some sleep. Tomorrow was a big day, after all. He sighed, his fingers tracing the beads of his bracelet. It was supposed to be a friendship bracelet, but Kacchan had used it to 'confess' to him not long after Izuku returned his memories to him. Izuku barely took it off, fiddling with the beads whenever he felt nervous or anxious.

Kacchan really cared about him, didn't he..?


He was ready. As ready as he'll ever be, at least. The bridge was looming over him in the distance, but Izuku wasn't scared. He knew what would happen, knew it would be painful and uncomfortable and absolutely disgusting- But it's what had to happen. He'll endure it. And then All Might would save him, and Izuku would bring back his mentor's memories. It was a simple, straightforward plan. It was supposed to be. It should've been.

But Izuku wasn't alone when the sludge villain attacked. He should've been. There had been no one else around before. Yet this time someone else was there, someone with a quirk based on wind or air pressure if Izuku had to guess. Because this guy blew the sludge villain straight off him, reducing him to a pool of goop on the ground only a few seconds after he forced himself onto Izuku.

"Oh my- Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked, quickly pulling Izuku away from the villain. He was a young man, Izuku noted. No real defining features. Plain, like himself. Yet there was something in his eyes, something in the way he handled Izuku... There was something off about this guy, but Izuku couldn't really put his finger on it.


Izuku's head whipped around in an instant, watching All Might make his entrance. Amazing, like always. He took care of the sludge villain in no time, preventing an escape before sealing him away in the plastic bottles he'd been carrying.

"Don't worry! This scoundrel won't escape!" All Might declared, patting one of the bottles. "Now, I should get-"

"Wait!" Izuku called out. "Can you- Can I- Will you please sign my notebook!"

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