Chapter 8: Hunt For Olympians

Comenzar desde el principio

The trio walk pass the wall then head under what use to be an overpass, where they see some dead infected and a crashed motorcycle.

Cassandra: Oh, shit!

Kyle looks over the bike and Sarah comes up next to him as he points at the familiar B mark on the motorcycle.

Kyle: It's Shawn's.

Sarah: Looks like he crashed his bike.

Kyle opens the flap of the saddle bag, checking see if there was anything.

Kyle: Nothing here. Looks like he and Margaret got away.

Sarah: Okay. Well, Shawn must've taken off on foot.

The trio make their way to the TV station.

Kyle: There it is, girls!

The trio finally make it to the station.

Sarah: Stay low.....feels empty.

Kyle: I don't buy it.

Cassandra: Me either.

The trio find an opening window and make their way inside. The trio walk inside to find several shot bodies of Olympian Soldiers.

Kyle: More shot bodies. Some with arrows.

Cassandra: Are these from a crossbow?

Sarah: We sure Shawn and Margaret came through here?

Kyle: Let's keep moving....

The trio get into the main stage of the station, only to see several bodies hanging in the air and completely skinned.

Kyle: Jesus H. Christ!

Sarah: Holy fuck!

Cassandra: Fuck!

Kyle: This was definitely not Shawn and Margaret.

Cassandra: Who the fuck did this?

Kyle: I don't know.

Sarah: Well, I sure as shit don't want to stick around to find out.

Kyle and Cassandra nod in agreement.

Kyle: Just keep an eye out.

The trio continue on.

Sarah: These bodies are fresh...

Sarah gets closer to the hanging bodies and looks them over.

Sarah: Ugh...who does this shit?

Kyle: I don't know, but whoever did this might still be here.

The trio look around the station and find their way upstairs. They get to the upper levels of the station and look around until Kyle opens a door to an office and sees a skinned, mutilated female lying in bed. Kyle sighs, before Sarah and Cassandra walk in behind him.

Sarah: Oh, God.....

Kyle tilts his head to the mutilated body's still intact right arm. Kyle walks up and grabs the woman's right arm, before examining it, revealing the tattoo similar to the one in the photo of Shelly.

Kyle: It's her. Shelly.

Sarah and Cassandra come up to Kyle.

Sarah: You sure?

Kyle: Yes. She's got Chad's name tattooed on her wrist. It's her.

Cassandra begins to vomit as Kyle and Sarah turn to her.

Sarah: You okay?

Cassandra stands up and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.

Cassandra: Yeah, sorry. It's just...the smell.

Kyle raises an eyebrow as Sarah shrugs. A weird warble noise sounded out as Kyle looks up and sees an old radio transmitter sitting on the table in front of them.

Sarah: Guess the world wanted this bitch dead, huh?

While Cassandra leans to the side, Kyle and Sarah look around the room.

Sarah: There's not shit in here.

Kyle turns back to Cassandra and Sarah, who is pulling out a bag from under a cot, then they hear a voice through the radio calling out to their friends, but no response.

Sarah: Hey, guys. Check this out.

Sarah comes over to Kyle and Cassandra, holding some pictures in her hand. She holds out a stack of pictures of people for Kyle and Cassandra, who gasps.

Cassandra: It's all of them.

Sarah flips through the pictures. The first was of Chad and Shelly, all hugged up together, the next picture of was of Alfred standing in front of a familiar mountain and cabin.

Kyle: That's near Berrington.

Sarah flips through another picture one of David and Rory.

Cassandra: Let me see that.

Cassandra takes the picture and stares at it with intense hate.

Cassandra: That's her. The one who killed him.

Sarah: There's none of this Stephan guy, though.

Kyle: Guess he's not much of a big photo guy.

Sarah: Who the hell carries pictures of their friends around?

Kyle: Yeah, that's really weird. What was Shelly afraid of? That she was gonna forget her friends faces?

Sarah chuckles while Cassandra shakes her head and sighs.

Sarah: You okay?

Cassandra: I will be....

Sarah: That's four dead, right?

Kyle nods.

Kyle: Four dead.

Olympian Soldier: Seven, this is four, do you copy? Support unit en route to the TV station.

Cassandra: Shit.

Kyle: We should get going.

Sarah: You good to keep going, honey?

Cassandra: Yeah, I'm fine. Please.

The trio start to make their way back out.

Sarah: Well, she's dead. How do you guys feel?

Kyle: Fuckin pissed we couldn't talk to her.

Sarah: I get it, but she didn't hurt you, James or Rocky. It would've been fucked up to torture her for info, don't you think?

Cassandra: That bitch travel all the way to Berrington to watch Kyle get tortured and stood by while James and Rocky were murdered. I don't give a damn if she held the crowbar or not.

Suddenly, as the trio make their way back out through the main area, they see some of the Olympian reinforcements walking around as they saw the bodies of their fallen friends then mentioned something about looking for Locusts. Kyle, Sarah and Cassandra take out the Olympian Soldiers quietly, until one of them spots them and immediately open fire as more Olympian Soldiers come in.

Sarah: Run!

The three of them jump out of the window and run outside. Suddenly, they hear trucks coming and more Olympian running towards them, firing their guns.

Kyle: Fuck!

Sarah: C'mon!

Kyle, Sarah and Cassandra run under the overpass then make it to the door as they hear them keep shouting.

Olympian Soldier: Is it Locusts? Are they Locusts?

Kyle, Sarah and Cassandra run in and shut the door, before pushing a vending machine down to block the door.

Kyle: That should do it.

Sarah: Agreed.

Kyle, Sarah and Cassandra keep moving and make their way deeper into the room. 

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