Slumber Party Through Green Eyes.

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"We're having a slumber party!" We're the exact words of Pansy Parkinson with Hermione at her side. "You're wot??" Harry asked, confused, staring at the two, "having a slumber party, we're inviting you and Draco and Luna and Ginny, that's all." Pansy shrugged. "We're not doing any weird games right?" Harry asked.
"No, we're just going to have girl talk and let the tops handle.. top talk. Make sense?" Pansy asked as Harry nodded. "We're going to get Luna and Ginny!" Hermione smiled and walked off with Pansy. Harry was left there, thinking how to propose this idea to the ONE and ONLY Draco Malfoy, the sexiest blonde alive that had snogged him just a few nights ago. It was Thursday, they had classes tomorrow, but a sleep over wouldn't hurt.


Harry found Draco smoking by the tree and approached him carefully. "Hey, Draco, Hermione and Pansy want to have a slumber party with us and Ginny and Luna. No tricks, just talking and sleeping." Harry shrugs and Draco looks at him, skeptical "why should I go."
"Because I'd you don't I'm going to be the only dude in a room full of girls." Harry said through gritted teeth.
"Merde, toi sont donc stupide." Draco muttered as Harry looked at him with a confused face, blushing, damn if Draco said spoke in french to him again he's pretty sure he'd fold in half. "Huh?"
"I said you are so stupid, Harry. Now can we go? To get this over with."
"Right.." Harry said, still a little awestruck.


They walk to Pansy and Hermione's door and knock. Harry wore a maroon silk shirt with black sweats. Draco insisted Harry wore silk. Draco wore a green silk robe and a a black wifebeater under it and black and green checkered pants. Both holding their own pillows and Harry had his sheets over his shoulder. He knocks on the door, it flings open to reveal, Ron, Blaise, Pansy, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Neville, and Theo. Harry stared at them all. "How are we going to fit in here-" Harry muttered to Draco as Draco shrugged. Pansy welcomed them in. When you first enter the door was on the right side of the room. The two beds were pushed together to make one in the middle of the room. Ginny and Luna, Blaise and Ron on the left side floor of the bed and on the right was Neville and Theo. "Guess we're sleeping by them?" Draco added as Harry nodded, setting their stuff up. The room definitely was clean and looked nice, it was a nice blend of their colors. There was a huge wardrobe across from the bed against the wall, on the left side when you first walk in. And there was a window behind the bed.

"Alright, Theo, Luna, Harry, Blaise, come over here please?" Pansy asked as they did so. "Neville, Draco, Ginny, and Ron? Please on this side!" Hermione smiled as they listened, the two groups of five sat.

"So what're we doing?" Neville asked as Hermione smiled, "tell me when you first realized you were in love. The person you love can remain anonymous if you prefer!" Hermione said as Ron looked to Neville who gulped and sighed. "Fine I'll go first then.." he muttered. "I uh.. met my now partner.. in the beginning of the year.." everyone was focused on Neville, even Draco was slightly interested. "And well.. I guess I misjudged him horribly.. he was so sweet to me and asked what I wanted to do.. he never forced me to do anything. And he always helped me from the bed and through the sleepless nights I guess.." Neville said as he inhaled. "And that's when I realized.. I was in love, when he gave me that look.. I just knew." He said softly, flustered. Hermione clapped, smiling as Ron followed and clapped, Draco rolled his eyes. "Oh please." Ginny scoffed softly at Malfoy.

"Oh Malfoy, please enlighten us on your journey then." Hermione snapped at him as he grumbled. "Fine mu— Granger." He sneered. "The first time I noticed something different was in the change in my attitude. I wasn't so angry anymore, I could let loose. He made things way too romantic and made me realize just how desperately I craved that sort of thing. So I decided it to let those feelings go, I dwelled and slept at the thought of being in love with him. Then before I knew it I began to call him by his first name and smile. Damn him and his stupid way of making me fall for him." Draco finished as Hermione nodded her head, staring at him, Neville looked to Ron who just got it. "No... not him- I'm going to need to get used to this.." Ron croaked. Draco snickered. Ginny seemed a. It uncomfortable.

"So Blaise, tell me, why do you like Ron huh?" Pansy remarked, "he's stupidly funny and just flat out dumb. It's cute." Blaise shrugs. "Luna?" Pansy asked. "She's beautiful, like a Phoenix set her hair ablaze.." Luna smiled softly, glancing to Ginny.

"Harry? Harry.?" Pansy asked as she waved a hand in front of his face, Harry snapped out of it and looked to her "oh yeah- what?"
"What do you like about Draco?"
"What is there not to like.." he said in a dreamy voice. Just thinking about that blonde made him smile and blush. Feel all giddy and yet want to shag him until he screamed his name. How can someone make you feel that way? He'd never know. "Pick one Harry."
"His hips." Harry said as he bit his bottom lip and looked away.


Draco laid with Harry in their little blanket palette on the floor. Neville and Nott in their blanket palette just 4 feet from them. Draco looked to Harry, Harry looking at him. "Draco.. can we.." "get the fuck over here, Harry." Draco whispered to him harshly as Harry sat up and quickly got on top of him, kissing him as he pulled the blankets over them. Everyone was sleeping. But they weren't. Harry pushed his legs between Draco's, Draco's legs arched as Harry kissed him deeply. Harry began to open his mouth to move his lips easier, Draco followed as Harry softly groaned into Draco's mouth. Harry was soon sitting upright because of Draco sitting up. Harry fell backwards, Draco getting on top of him as Harry blushed and looked at him. "You're so beautiful.." Harry said softly. "Thank you.." draco replied, he reached down and grabbed Harry's chest then continued to snog him. Draco sat on Harry's hips and Harry held Draco's hips. They were softly grinding against one another, soft shudders and moans heard only between them.

Draco eventually sat up, panting softly, staring down at Harry who was breathing heavy and flushed. Looking to Draco as Draco moved down for a peck on the lips, Harry blinked and looked at him again. "What are we.?" He asked quietly. "I don't yet know, Harry." Draco said even softer. Harry blushed and looked away, "can we keep doing this.?"
"Yes. That's definitely going to happen." Draco said softly as they both scoot back up to their spots on the palette. Harry stares at Draco who's shutting his eyes and curling to Harry's chest. Harry hugged onto him and held him close, sleeping quietly. Draco slept just as silent.


When the sun rose, Harry found everyone already getting ready for classes, he got up quickly, helping Draco move their things back to their room and he got ready as quickly as he could, seeing Malfoy also rushing. Harry looked to him, "are you alright.?"
"Yes just, we need to hurry-"
"Right-" Harry nodded and quickly left out the room as Draco followed him closely. The two were speed walking down the hall to Potions. Harry slowly reached over, Draco letting Harry take his hand, they held hands on the way there, Harry was so giddy about it all. They had missed breakfast but who cares. Sitting in their duo table and making potions. Harry expertly prepared the ingredients as Draco brewed, the two worked in silence but knew exactly what the other wanted. Harry looked to Draco as Draco looked to him. Harry nodded and gave him the crushed pearldust. Draco took it and added it to the potion. Snape was rather impressed with their teamwork. Rewarding Slytherin 20 points and Gryffindor 10. Harry failed to realize he wore Malfoy's tie, Malfoy wearing Harry's tie. They hadn't even noticed it.

Harry muttered something but found Draco staring at him oddly. "What?"
"You were speaking parseltongue." Draco said.
"Sorry.. force of habit.."
"It's okay, sounds cool."
"So does your French.. quite enjoy it actually."

"CEDRIC DIGGORY IS.. ALIVE." A student said as they ran into the class. Everyone turning to see them, even Snape, "wot—" the student passed out from exhaustion, laying onto the ground as everyone glanced around. "Stay calm. I'll be back to sort out this mess. Go to your next classes." Snape said as everyone quickly left the class.

"Cedric? Alive? What was that kid thinking-" Harry said with a sigh. "It's not possible." Draco muttered. "Unless they found.."
"The resurrection stone." Draco finished for him as he and Draco looked at one another at the same time, freezing.



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