A Toast To New Beginnings.

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No the art in the cover is not mine.

Lugging their trunks into the train, the clouds outside were starting to darken, Harry was in his cabin with Ron and Hermione, packing his things up and away as he flopped and sat on the opposite side of the two. Letting out a long sigh he looks forward towards them as they sat with quite a bit of distance between them.

"Are you going to tell me what happened or leave me in the dark?" Harry asks quietly, leaning against his seat as he had sunk down a little, slouching. Outside the cabin he heard muffled voices and some clattering before it went quiet again.

"Well.. me and Ron decided that.. it would be best if we had some space after.. everything." Hermione said quietly as Ron looked away. Harry nodded and looked out the window for a moment before he spoke again. "Me and Gin' did the same, she understands of course." He stared out the window, the ride was quiet, mostly anyway.

"What do you reckon McGonagall has changed about the school.?" Ron asks to no one in particular as Hermione answers. "Most likely added her own little touches but kept it relatively the same.."

"Dumbledore would be rolling in his grave if she changed it too largely." Harry mumbled as he earned a chuckle from Hermione.

On the other side, Draco had just gotten into his cabin with some extra effort because he had to help Blaise and Pansy with their trunks this time. Knocking into the Golden Trio's door for a second before he grumbled outwardly to her. "This isn't bloody worth getting scolded at by those three." He gestured his head towards the Trio's door as Pansy chuckled softly, approaching Draco as she opened their cabin door for him.

"Don't be such a bitch, Draco!" She insisted as he scrunched up his face and softly scoffed, taking in their items for them as Blaise and Pansy enter after him, shutting the door. Draco sits as they begin to pack the trunks away. "You know, Draco, Harry apparently now lives with Sirius." Blaise said as he shut the cabinet.

"Why's this matter?" Draco asked as he fixed his clothing and looked out the window. "Dunno, you're good at insulting Potter with anything you've got, just figured you needed new ammunition for the year." Blaise shrugs as Draco rolls his eyes.

"I'd rather not get caught up with that bloody git."
Draco murmurs as he frowns slightly. Pansy looking up from doing her nails, she glanced between them before she sniffed quite loudly and tapped her hands on her knees. "Spill it Pans." Draco grumbled and looked at her as he sat up better.

"Heard Lupin is coming back to teach Defense Against The Dark Arts." She looked up and avoided eye contact from the two of them.

"Seriously? The mutt? There was no one better??" Draco remarked as he smirked.

"Oh and.. Snape's coming back for Potions.." Blaise mumbled as Draco internally cheered in thankfulness. "How'd you learn this?" Draco asked.

"The Daily Prophet, you need to get to reading it again, Draco" Pansy chuckled as she continued to work on her nails.

"Okay well, is there anymore??" Draco asked as he tapped his fingers impatiently on the seat beside him. "Yeah, Fred's expected to make a full recovery, and that's about it, everyone else is gone I guess." Blaise said as Draco tensed and shut his eyes for a second before looking to the door.

"Don't remind me of that." Draco said softly as Blaise nodded. Their ride was quiet as well, for the most part, it was going to be a long, long day.


Once they arrived the clouds were dark and thunder was rumbling, rain was soon to come and they rushed to the castle with whatever they could, carriages, boats, anything. "not the hair!!" Draco cried softly as he ran with Blaise and Pansy instead of taking a ride. Harry found the scene amusing but didn't say much on it, walking with Ron and Hermione. Once inside McGonagall stopped them outside The Great Hall. "This year, students, is different, due to the lack of number in eighth year students.. they will share one dorm collectively together, everyone else will remain in their houses, the eighth years will be residing in the Astronomy Tower. Which has been renovated to suit your needs." She then lets them into The Great Hall for dinner, separating to their tables as McGonagall stands from her seat and gives the speech as usual, sorting the First Years and then she stated this. "You can sit however, wherever you like, just do remember your houses.." she mumbled the last part as she dismissed them. Everyone cheered and quickly changed seats, many stayed where they were. The Feast Began.

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