Are You Watching Me?

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Harry woke up to the sight of Draco leaning over his bed and staring at him weirdly. Harry sat up, "the hell Malfoy??"
"You're awake now? Weird, you were like.. talking so I was just checkin on you."
"Wh-... you could've woken me up."
"And ruin my soap opera? I'd rather die."
Malfoy scoffed and went to get dressed as Harry grabbed his clothes from his wardrobe, putting on his glasses as he shook his head slightly.
"Nothing, Malfoy, I'll see you at breakfast?"
"Yeah. Don't be late." Draco grumbled as he quickly exited the room.

It took Harry a few moments to leave off after him but he eventually entered The Great Hall, Neville had joined them today. He sat beside Draco, he was getting used to doing so, as the man did not disturb him much.
"Hey Harry-! What're Parkinson, Zabini, and Malfoy here for?"
"We're roommates so being good friends helps I guess."
"Makes... sense.. you want to know who I got?"
"Enlighten me."
"I got Theo." Harry's jaw dropped slightly as he looked away, "okay, Minerva is doing this on purpose now."
"Probably" Hermione said as Pansy snickered.
"Wouldn't put it past her-" Blaise said as he looked to a smiling Ron.
"Malfoy, can I trust that you won't brutally injure my friends while I go speak to Luna? I need to ask her about something."
"Oh whatever, Potter, you'd better be back or I will come find you."
"Try me, Malfoy." Harry smirked as he got up and quickly jogged his way to Luna's table to find her with Ginny.

"Oh Luna! I need to ask you something-!"
"Figured as such, Harry, your head is swarming with fairies is it not?"
"I guess- hey Ginny-" he mumbled as Ginny waved, sitting very close to Luna. Harry sat beside Luna, feeling eyes on him as he glanced around nervously, no one in sight.. weird. He looked to Luna. "so, if Malfoy is being nice to me, does that mean he's under the affect of some potion or is it sincere?"
"Draco? Under a potion? He's far to smart to be put under one without you noticing, seeing as you spend a lot of time with him."
Harry rolled his eyes slightly as he felt his cheeks get heated, "alright yes, but he's not going insane right?"
"No Harry."
"Oh good." Harry sighed in relief as he stood back up and walked towards Draco again.

"Malfoy, I need to speak with you." Malfoy looked up at Harry with curious eyes as he glanced around. "Why, Potter?"
"It's urgent."
"Fine." Draco stood and began to walk with Harry out of The Great Hall. Catching a lot of unwanted eyes.

"What do you reckon they're up to?" Ron asked
"Who the hell knows.." Blaise murmured.
"40 galleons they're shagging." Pansy said and smacked her hand in the middle of the table.
"You did not-" Hermione said as Pansy smirked,
"I did!"
"50 galleons they aren't!" Blaise said sternly as Pansy glared at him.
"Uhm.. I'm with Blaise! But I won't be paying-" Ron said as Hermione huffed, "I'm with Pansy then!"
"Uhm.. 10 galleons they'll snog in front of us.?" Neville said as the four look at him. They then begin to cheer, Ron didn't however. "That's the spirit LongBottom!" Pansy said as Ron chuckled.

Theodore approached the table as he sat across from Neville, looking between everyone. "And why're you here again?" Pansy looked at Theo who shrugged.
"Neville came over here and it's pretty dead at the Slytherin table."
"So... you're admitting to coming over here for Neville?" Pansy inquired.
"No he's just my roommate—
"But you said one of the reasons you came was Neville?" Blaise persisted as Theodore glared and looked to Neville who just seemed confused. "Well uhm. Hi Theo-"
"Hi LongBottom. What's everyone up to?"
"They're betting that Draco and Harry are shagging or they're not and I said 10 galleons that they snog in front of us-"
"THATS THE SPIRIT LONGBOTTOM!" Theodore shouted as Pansy and Blaise cheered again.

"What is it that you wanted, Harry?"
"I just wanted to ask if you're alright?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"You just seem nicer and it's—
"Not Malfoy-like?"
"Yeah.. does that seem rude.?"
"Not to me, I suppose it's tradition to be a stuck up pain in the arse."
Harry looked at him, slowly grabbing onto his hand as they sat in their favorite spot, looking towards the sun as it shone across the school.
"Why're you.?—
"Can you just let me? It feels nice does it not.? So let's not ask and just do."
"Are you doing this for some news story? 'Harry James Potter Shags Ex Death Eater'??"
"You know my full name.?? And why would I??"
"Don't ask, and I dunno, isn't that like.. what you do? Go around doing stuff for attention.?"
"No Malfoy?? Why the fuck would I? I don't like the press any more than you do."
Draco looked away as he grumbled and shifted a bit away from him, his hand wasn't connected to Harry's but his fingers were loosely intertwined with his. Harry was addicted to the soft touch.. it wasn't harsh punches or shoves but an actual.. touch.
"Harry. You do all these things with me.. but you haven't forgiven me for what I've done."
"I don't have to forgive you, but I can accept your apology if this is one."
"I guess it is, I don't really know how to..—
"It's alright, Dr— Malfoy. If you want me to teach you that as well, I will. Take it as payment for when you taught me."
"Sounds like a fair trade off. But I wouldn't need it now as that's the only time I'll be doing it."
"Are you sure about that?"
The silence grew on them but it was the same comfortable silence as always, their hands not needing any more touch than this, their unclenched jaws, slouched posture, lazy eyes. This was relaxing in its finest.

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