Let The Moon Set.

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Harry had eventually found Draco out by the lake again. Harry approached him from behind, doing his best to keep quiet as Draco was just sitting there and staring at the water, wearing a grey t-shirt and black jeans. His head slowly tilts slightly to the side before he sighs heavily.
"I know you're there Harry."
"So perceptive." Harry came up beside him and sat beside him in the sand. Looking to his left to see Draco already glancing at him.

"Explain yourself.?"
"Sorry I just got curious about where you were."
"How'd you find me without the map?"
"Oh I just figured you'd either be here or in our spot."
Draco nodded as he looked around and sighed. "Lemme guess, you wanna know what happened last night.?"
"Yes and don't spare much detail?"
"You're in for a wild ride." Harry scoffed softly, blushing as he smiled softly.
"Well, you got wildly drunk, don't ask me how, but you did."
"Oh cmon it wasn't that bad-"
"You told me you wanted to kiss me. Then you did."
"Oh Merlin- I'm sorry, Draco-"
"Oh no that's not the worst of it-"
"Merlin-" Harry covered his face partially with a hand and looked away.
"We kept snogging until—
"No we didnt, Potter."
"Oh thank Merlin." Though it was surprising to hear his name come so perfectly from those more than pale lips, he decided to keep quiet. He loved how easily those words slid from his lips. And how his voice sounded on his tongue, how beautifully he said it without flaw as if he's practiced saying his first name just for this. Harry brushed a hand through his hair and slowly stood up, offering Draco his hand. "Cmon, it's our break time but we've also got to grab food." Draco groaned and rolled his eyes, taking Harry's hand and standing up with him. However, he didn't let go of his hand. Not that's Harry minded, no in fact he didn't mind at all, more than not mind maybe.. maybe he liked it. Oh no it was more than liking now wasn't it Harry?

"Blimey Mate, where have you two been??" Ron asked, eating a biscuit as Draco sat beside Harry. "Oh- you know, dragging Malfoy for breakfast."
"Get over yourself Potter it was as if you were on your knees begging me." Harry gasped in mock shock, nudging Draco who smiled and nudged him back.

"Draco, I haven't seen you in such awhile, why is your mind filled with such sprites.? The color however does go beautifully on your skin." Luna's dreamy voice rang through the air as Draco turned around and smiled softly.
"Hey, Luna, what're you doing over here?"
"I just wanted to let you know, Draco, that your color spurts of sprites are getting everywhere when you're around Harry."
Draco froze up slightly as he looked around before leaning to her. "Well thanks for noticing, Luna, hey? Isn't that your girlfriend? Go spend some time with her huh?" Draco pointed to Ginny who waved.

Luna saw right through the Slytherin however she never commented on it, she didn't need to, the colors surrounding his body said enough. She smiled and nodded before turning and skipping over to Ginny who was waiting for her.
"Did you tell him?" Ginny asks quietly as Luna nods. "Yes however he seemed like a hippogriff without its pride.."
"So not a hippogriff?" Luna shakes her head as Ginny makes a soft 'hm' noise.
"Maybe we could stay here for the holidays, go on our own little dates yeah.?"
"That sounds wonderful, Ginny.." Luna smiles gently as she leans down and pecks Ginny's cheek. Silently noting how warm she felt all the time. She turns her head swiftly to see Draco and Harry quickly rushing together out of The Great Hall. "How odd.." Luna says quietly.
"Perhaps we'll ask them about it later, yes.?" Ginny asked as Luna nodded at her.


"POTTER- GIVE IT BACK!" Draco shouted as he chased Harry down the field, laughing as he tackled Harry to the ground and they both went rolling down the hill until they stopped. Harry laughed as he wrestled with Draco for a moment, fighting until Draco plucked his wand from Harry's grasp to which Harry gasped as if he'd been betrayed. "You weren't suppose to get it back!"
"Why not??"
"You didn't tell me where you went this morning!"
"Oh really, Harry!" He laughed as he pinned Harry by his forearms before he got a evil idea. Setting his wand into his pocket before raising his hands up menacingly.
Draco plunged his hands down and began to tickle Harry who shrieked, laughing and curling up trying to avoid the hands. Draco was persistent however, finding every sensitive point and tickling it until Harry was wheezing. Draco flopped beside him, the two turned their heads to look at one another. "Cigarette.?" Draco asked quietly as Harry reached into his pocket and grabbed one all without breaking eye contact. Draco took and lit it, looking away from Harry as he inhaled and puffed out the smoke. Passing it to Harry who did the same, scooting a bit closer to Draco who noticed.

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