6 - Charlotte

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I step out of the bathroom into my silent bedroom, trying to be as quiet as possible since Lacey seems to already be sleeping.

My heart hurts for her with all the drama with her mom, Lacey has always been super close to her mom which I'm sure just hurts her more. I climb into bed letting out a sigh, wondering what I can do to make her feel better, in reality I know that her mom saying those things are unforgivable and unacceptable so I don't think anyone can make her feel better anytime soon.

Then on top of that I betrayed her too, I done something that would not only break her heart and trust it would destroy our friendship, why did I do that? Why now after all these years do I feel this sudden attraction for my best friends dad.

"I'm worried about what's going on with my mom" Lacey mutters tiredness thick in her voice.


Forgot about that for now as once she finds out she will never forgive you and at the moment she needs you to be there for her.

"Jesus you scared me" I gasp holding my chest

"Sorry" she says trying to pat my head but hitting my face making me frown but keep quiet "I'm so angry and disgusted at her I mean ew..it's so fucking sick and I swear I don't think I have ever felt this hurt before but.... I know something isn't right, I just don't know what. That women today isn't my mom and then finding out that it's been going on for months and no one has said anything. I would've came home to try figure things out" she says voice breaking making me grip her hand in support.

"I know" I sigh "I'm not going to pretend to know or understand how you are feeling because I can't. However I know that you are strong and I'm going to be with you every step you need or want me too. Could it have anything to do with alcohol? I obviously don't know about any of the other times but today in the yard she smelt of it and then tonight she seemed drunk."

"I was thinking the same as she has had at least two glasses of wine a day and that's just what I actually know of so I'm not sure if she has had more." She says quietly before yawning "you know how close I was with mom, yeah I was always a daddy's girl but I was still super close and for her to behave the way she did today it hurts but also strange because apart from the usual teenage girl and mom arguments we haven't ever fought and today she really made me feel like I wanted to slap her and I feel so fucking guilty for that! And I wrong for thinking that?"

"I'm sorry you feel that way lace" I say sympathetically "I think you are in your right to have those thoughts and definitely don't thing you are wrong. If it was just something will then maybe but what she said was cruel and disgusting and came out of no where so I'm actually surprised you held yourself back, I'm sorry but even I wanted to slap her for you but I thought of you and that stopped me. I hope whatever is going on with her she gets help or something, then you and your family can became the lovely happy family you always have been"

"Thank you" she mutters before turning round to face my way "don't say anything please..."

"I won't" I promise her.

"When I was talking to Mickey privately earlier it honest to god seemed like he hated her Charlie, I told him off but he just snapped at me" she says voice cracking "she has been acting that much of a bitch that he has turned against her and we all know how much of a mommy's boy Mickey has always been. He said that she has been treating dad like shit, being flirty in front of dads men, constantly spending money to the pint dad cut up her old card then ended up cutting up the new limit one he gave, now she has a limit of 20000 a month which is a hell off a lot of money but according to Mickey she went crazy and started breaking things in the house. Mickey says that if she keeps acting the way she does once he goes to college he wants nothing to do with her"

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