1 - Charlotte

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"Charlie I'm so glad the year is over, it was kicking my butt towards the end" Lacey groans was she throws herself on my bed making me chuckle.

"You sure that wasn't all your partying?" I question with a smirk on my face as I finish packing.

"Nope! Anyway...I am so looking forward to the summer, going back home then to the island it's going to be bliss" she says with a giggle.

"Is Nathan coming with?" I ask about her boyfriend making her sigh.

"He is supposed to be but as you know things have been a little strange. I mean obviously his family is still going to be there but he hasn't mentioned anything." She exclaims with a sigh at the end.

"Oh I forgot they were joining again this year. His family is nice.."I pause and look at her

"Except his mom" we both say at the same time.

"I can't believe I actually used to like her" she says

"She didn't show her true colours until this past year" I say with a shrug then sit down beside her "don't worry everything will work out the way it's meant to and if Nathan can't get his act together then screw him, you deserve better"

"Thanks Charlie" she says resting her head on my shoulder "what time are we leaving?"

"In an hour"

"Shit I need to get a move on." She says running out the room "remember my dad is getting us from the airport"

"Yes I know" I laugh shaking my head at her.

I've been best friends with Lacey since we met at dance class when I was 6 years old and she was 5. she is the oldest with a brother Mickey who is 18. Mrs Thompson was 2 months shy of her 18th Birthday when she had lacey and Mr Thompson was 15, crazy I know. Let's just say Grammy Thompson was supposedly very angry and still doesn't like Lacey's mom but that's none of my business.

I am an only child so with Lacey and even mickey it's just like having siblings because they've been there for as long as I remember. Our became the best of friends and our moms get along great so we have always spent a lot of time together, even since we left for college three years ago they still spend a lot of time at each others houses since the Thompsons live down the street from my parents.

As I'm making sure I'm not missing anything my phone begins to ring

"Hello" answering without checking who it is.

Charger check

Laptop check

"Charlie" I hear my mom yell fro, the other end of the phone "I think she forgot she was on the phone" I hear her mutter.

"Oh god sorry mom" I apologise feeling guilty "I answered without looking who it was then began going through a checklist in my head"

She lets out a laugh "sweetheart you were saying it out loud"

"Oops, sorry again" I laugh

"Anyway I was actually calling you to make sure you remembered everything, well the important things we can get anything else from the store since you want to go holiday shopping with me" she says "so passport.."

"Shit my passport" I groan putting her on loud speaker then place it on the bed and go into my closet to get my passport

"I don't know whether to laugh or shout at you for your language, you get that from your father" she says making me laugh and I hear dad chuckle in the background

"Yeah right might you curse just as much as dad does"

She huffs but I can tell the is a smile in her voice "passport"

Unexpected (18+)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें