3 - Charlotte

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It's already been one week since we got home and so far it's been amazing. Things are the same as they used to be, well most things at least because when ever I see mr Thompson I begin to feel nervous and giddy at the same time, that's definitely something different.luckily I've only seen him a few times since the day we came back. Even though I don't understand these strange feelings that happened since we came back home I know that it's still wrong so I'm determined to ignore them.

"I missed this" Lacey mumbles as we lay sunbathing in her backyard.

"Me too" I sigh

"Aren't you glad you came back home?" Lacey asks with a soft smile "it feels good to have you back, I'm glad and proud of you for getting rid of jackass."

I let out a sigh "yeah I can't believe I let it go on for as long as I did." I tell her sitting up staring ahead as memories of the last few years go through my mind.

"It wasn't that you let it go on Charlie, he is a nasty piece of work! He fooled everyone thinking he was a great guy but in reality he was an abusive lying asshole. Don't ever think you have any blame in what happened, all you done was love someone which made you trust him but remember it wasn't only you who hadn't seen him for what he was no one seen him." Lacey state's seriously while looking angry but I know that she isn't angry at me.

I can't help smile at the girl who has stood by my side since the moment we met. She did start questioning Jackson's actions way before I did but I didn't take it seriously and even when it was more obvious that things weren't ok I kept it to myself, even when Lacey spotted finger marks on my arms I lied.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts "thank you Lacey, I know what you're saying is correct but it's still hard when I know I should've spoken up straight away but instead I kept quiet believing the rubbish he was telling me, falling for his fake tears and pleads. Let's talk about something else, don't let that man ruin our good relaxing moods"

She sighs before slowly nodding "for now!" She states giving me a side eye "you need to let out all your feelings soon but for now let's enjoy our time back home but promise you will talk to me or someone soon" she pleads

"I promise" I tell her honestly.

"You want something to drink?" She asks standing up

"Sure, I'm going to take a quick swim to cool down first" I say with a huff wiping " It's so freaking hot"

She lets out a giggle "ok sweaty"

"Shut up" i laughing giving her a small shove before jumping into the pool. The cool water feels absolutely amazing against my burning skin.

I feel myself relax and feel calm and after not being at peace like this for a long time it absolutely feels amazing, I do a few more laps before climbing out the pool seeing that Lacey is only now walking back out with her mom following her while her dad is standing at the door with an angry look on his face staring at the two women of his family.

"I can't believe you're acting like this right now" Lacey snaps making me pause in step unsure whether to give them some privacy or not. "No one was home so what's the problem and even if anyone was it's not like we were doing anything wrong. It's hot outside so we were sunbathing and having a swim."

What on earth is going on? I think to myself frowning at what Lacey just said not understanding what was going on or why she said that, and even more so what her mom was getting at.

"Don't speak to me like that young lady" Vivian growls "I came home to find you practically naked talking to your brother and father, with some of our workers also in the house"

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