Never Give Up

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Chapter 25: Never Give Up

Warning: Smut presence at the end of the chapter so skip it if you don't want to read.

"No, I'm not ready. I can't do that" Elena begged as she squeezed Caroline's hand too tight. They already placed her in stretcher. Damon was with them too. She shut her eyes. The baby wasn't supposed to come in this time but when she gotta come she gotta come.

"Hey, Elena. Everything's going to be okay" Caroline said sliding her hand on Elena's hair to calm her down. Her heart was crying for Stefan. Here she was about to deliver their child but he wasn't there. All she needed by her side was Stefan. Stefan the father of her child.

Elena was losing her sense. The intern was trying to keep her up. As they got closer to the delivery room the intern stopped "Are you a relative to her?" She asked Caroline looked at Damon and sadly shook her head. "I'm sorry but only patient's relative is allowed to go in there." Caroline let go off Elena's hand. Damon sighed. As they were about to take her into the labor room, Elena felt a hand on hers. She immediately looked at the person who held her hand. Her eyes glistened as she saw him.

"I'm the father of the child" he announced. Elena sighed in relief knowing she wasn't alone. She could do this. The intern nodded "This way, sir" she said. Stefan looked at Elena, smiled softly. She was already a mess. Sweaty, scared, in pain. Stefan bent down to kiss Elena's forehead. "Everything's gonna be okay. You can do this." Stefan encouraged her. A tear drop off Elena's eye. Elena squeezed his hand tightly and nodded. "Let's meet our baby girl, shall we?"


"Hey, Elena." Lexi calls. Elena opens her eyes. Her head's rested on her forearms. She hands Elena coffee. "Thanks" Elena smiles softly, accepting it.

Lexi sits next to Elena. "She'll be okay." Lexi says. Elena nods. "Yeah, I know" Elena says awkwardly. Her brain is telling her everything's going to be okay but her mother heart is tensed for her. Mother heart will always be concerned for the children. It's an universal thing.

"Where did Stefan go?" Lexi asks. "To investigate. What caused the fire in boarding house" Elena says sadly. The night Stefan and Elena reunited and Elia went to the boarding house, an accident happened. Elia and Lexi were supposed to watch a movie together but Lexi had to go out. It was urgent. Elia was fine with it. It took only an hour for Lexi until she came back and witnessed the fire. She didn't care about herself but ran to save Elia who was lying on the floor unconscious. She immediately dragged Elia out of the house and then she heard the big explosion.

Elia inhaled smoke a lot which caused heart failure. It's been four days. The doctor said she is okay because the surgery went successful. But she needs time to get her sense back.

"I never said thank you for saving Elia. You're the best mom Elia could ever had" Elena rolls her lips and gives her an approval face. Lexi smiles. "She's lucky enough to have not one but two mothers. One protects her by staying with her and the other one protects her by staying outside fighting with others to keep her safe. If Elia knows what you do for her..." Lexi pauses.

Elena smiles. "I just want to keep her safe. I don't want anything in return." Elena says. Lexi nods then Elena's eyes catch Stefan who's walking towards them. "Is she?" Stefan asks in hurry. Elena says sadly. "Not yet. But the doctor said she will. Soon" Elena assures her. Stefan closes his eyes. His little princess is fighting for life and he can't do anything.

"Did you find anything?" Elena asks fidgeting her fingers as she gets up. "Not really. But we're doing our best" Stefan says tiredly. Lexi gets up. "You two should go home" "No" both says together. Lexi rolls her eyes. "I'm here for Elia. If something happens, I'll call you two. You two look homeless and you smells" Lexi scrunches her nose. Elena lifts her armpit to smell herself. And Lexi is right. She hasn't showered in four days because she chooses not to leave the hospital. Stefan doesn't need to smell himself because he knows he does.

"I can stay here because I just come here from home and Damon will be here in an hour. So, you two go home, take shower, sleep maybe a little and come back. Two/four hours will not harm you both" Lexi orders.

Stefan gives Lexi an army salute. Elena sighs. She's right, they need to go home to look humans. Elena gives an approval look and awkwardly stares at Stefan. It's still awkward because they really didn't talk to each other about that night. They were together. Their raging hormones dragged everything out of them. Sexual tension, frustration, hurt, pain, love, affection everything.


Stefan comes out of the bathroom, shaking his head with the towel. Elena's sitting by the edge of the bed in a white robe looking at him. She's sad, upset, hurt. He can see that. "We should eat something" Stefan says as he opens the cupboard to take his clothes out.

But her hand on his back makes him turn back at her. He presses his eyebrows together, confused. Her eyes are so sad. "Hey" Stefan gently strokes her cheek. "She's going to be fine. We can't give up on her. She's a fighter. Please don't be sad" Stefan begs taking her into his arms. Elena immediately holds him. His skin is cold and she's warm.

"We're going to get our baby girl back" Elena mumbles into his chest. Stefan sighs stroking the back of her hair. "Yes, we're going to get out baby girl back" he says. Elena lets go off his embrace. Stefan puts his hands on her shoulder. "Kiss me" she says softly. Stefan strokes her cheek and leaves a soft quick kiss on her lips. But she wants more. She grabs the back of his head, makes him lean down to her lips as she kisses him hard. She wants to forget the situation she's into. Even for a second. Stefan understands.

They deepens the kiss. Stefan picks her up and she wraps her legs on his waist. One hand is holding her waist and another one caressing her naked thigh. His cold hard hand is making her wet. He feels so good. His hand on her skin just makes her feel perfect and wanted.

She moans when his hand gets where she wants. Her womanhood. She grasps when she feels him circling her, just the way she likes. They roll into the bed. Stefan bends down keeping her between his legs. He immediately unfold her ropes, exposing her for him but no bothered to entirely take the robe off her. The cold air makes her skin hard and cold. Her nipples get hard by the contact of the air but he warms them up with his hot mouth. Elena breathes out, watching him. She immediately gropes his head keeping him there as long as she wants him to be.

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