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Chapter 5: Misunderstandings

"Did you guys get any lead?" Matt asks as he tries to see Stefan and Elena's faces in the dark. "No" Elena says fixing her hair. Matt squints his eyes "Then why the two of you all sweaty as if you guys had picked a fight?" He asks in confused.

Technically they did but not exactly what Matt's thinking. "Matt, there's no electricity" she says running her hand on her hair. She likes to skip the details that she and Stefan just made out in the abandoned building. Stefan sighs "She was all over me that's why we all are sweaty and" he pauses "sweaty" he adds. Elena elbows him in the stomach. He groans. "Are your balls okay or you want more?" Elena asks angrily.

"Language, guys! Come on. That's enough. I don't need details, forget that I ask" Matt roll his eyes. Asking them why the two of them look like hell is the biggest mistake Matt ever did. "Can we please keep walking?" He asks. Elena ignores Stefan as she looks around. So are Matt and Stefan.

15 Minutes Later:

"Still no lead. Are you sure he was coming in this place?" Elena asks shoving her hands into her pockets. Stefan cross his arms. Matt nods. "Yeah, well. I was 90% sure but what can I say maybe it was a false lead or maybe they have changed their plans." Matt says. Elena groans. She just left her daughter for this stupid lead. Now, she can't even go back to her daughter. She can't even let out the frustration on anyone, besides Stefan but she already has given the taste of his own medicine. That's it for today.

"We need to go back to the headquarters, until we find another lead" Matt says. Both Stefan and Elena nod. "How are we going to go back?" Elena asks following Matt. "We'll walk until we reach to the city. A SUV is waiting for us" Matt says. Elena swirls her index finger. "City? It's like 5 kilometers. Are you expecting me to walk in this damn boots for 5 kilometers?" Elena asks also exhausted wearing this high boots.

Stefan and Matt both groans. "Fine, groan at me" she says rubbing her arms together.

They all are exhausted with all the walking. It's not cold outside but not hot either. They're covered in sweats. Matt is already walking ahead of them. Elena's in the middle and Stefan's walking lazily. Like really lazy.

"It's like someone else wearing boots and walking like a hare" Elena teases. "So, me walking like a hare is bothering you, Ms. Gilbert?" Stefan teases her back. Matt can hear them but chooses not to hear because it's not worth it. After all he's friends with them since the day Elena joined them.

"Not at all. Or maybe you're walking like this because I kicked you in the balls, still hurting?" Elena turns back in a sexy way. Stefan laughs. "A feather kick of yours could never hurt me but that's okay if this is what makes you feel really gooood" he mocks. That was really a slap in the face. She lick her lips and decides to avoid him. It's for the best.

"I met Elia" she says finally. She's been wanting to say to him for a while now. She hears his step stoped "You what?" she hears him. She turns back "I went to meet Elia" she says closing her eyes and then opens more like peeking her eye. "Elena, you know. We can't. Why would you do that?" He asks her. He looks serious now. The fun or the tease or whatever she did to him is gone. He's not the fun guy and hey let her tease me guy now.

"I missed her" she says in a whisper. "So am I" Stefan raises his voice, makes Elena yelp. "You've no right to meet her. Do you have any idea that you've risked our daughter's life. Now, if anything happens it's on you." He says pushing her through his shoulder as he passes her through. Elena catches her breath in sadness. Matt hears them but decides not to comment on their personal matter.


They're now in the headquarters. Stefan didn't talk to Elena throughout their drive. Elena stays silent in the backseat.

"Hey, Lex. We're safe. How's Elia? Is she okay? Take care of her for me and take care of yourself too." Elena sends Lexi a voicemail. She freshens up in her room. She's pacing around thinking if she should go to Stefan's to make him sure that Elia's safe. She's her mother after all. But also she's his daughter. He has the rights to know what's happening in his daughter's life.

After a lot of hesitation and guiltiness she decides to go to Stefan's. She knocks on his door hoping he'd open it. Few minutes pass but still no answer. As she chooses to go back to her room, he opens the door. Elena sighs as she gets to see his face. It's a regular face. No sadness, no happiness just a little tensed face.

"I'm sorry" she says when Stefan keeps the door open for her to come in. "No, Elena. You don't have to. I understand she's your daughter and you wanted to see her" he says pouring her bourbon. Elena takes it. "But you've to understand, we can't meet her whenever we want. We're risking her life, ours too. You should have asked me before you decided to go and meet her" Stefan says in disappointment. Elena looks at him then her eyes fall down. "She hates us though" she says taking a sip. Stefan laughs "Of course, she does." Stefan scoffs.

"You know because of all this, we're missing out our daughter's life. She's going to be sixteen and yet we haven't seen half of her life. We're the worst parents ever" Elena says sadly. "She was never meant to be in our lives either. She's better off without us" Stefan says so easily as if he just doesn't care.

Elena close her eyes, her mouth is lightly open. She shakes her head in disbelief "Did you just mean that our daughter shouldn't be existed?" She says getting up. Stefan scoffs. "You know I didn't mean that" he says.

"No, no. You did. You just literally made her non existent. Yes, she's better off without us but that doesn't mean her existence doesn't mean anything. Maybe not for you but for me, she's my world. I've been feeling guilty for not telling you in the first place that I went to meet her and here I'm getting in return from you that Elia isn't meant to be in our lives" Elena raises her voice.

Stefan doesn't say anything. Elena always takes everything deeply and he knows her better than anyone. "Loving you, sleeping with you, almost marrying you are the biggest mistakes of my life but giving birth to my daughter could never be a biggest mistake in my life. I feel sorry for her because you're her father" she says slamming his door as she leaves.

Stefan throws his glass on the floor in anger.


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