Chapter 34: Who's Side Are You On?

Start from the beginning

She then quickly summoned a glass spear and threw it at the bounty hunter but hit a tree instead.
She then heard him say,

"You can't kill what's already dead hehehahaha!"

She then looked around before running towards the ballroom wasting more time than she anticipated and quickly changed out into her ball outfit.

She then met back up with Mercury and Emerald which Mercury said while taking her hand to dance.

"Everything according to plan?"

"Yes just... more action than I planned." Cinder replied trying to make it look like the bounty hunter didn't spook her.

"So what now?" Mercury asked with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"We enjoy the rest of the night. It is a party afterall."


"What did you find out?" Hector asked Traya while they were both on a nearby wooded area.

Although Hector couldn't directly get involved with the CCT tower Ozpin never said he couldn't try to get information from her. Since Traya was well informed and experienced with aura Hector wanted to see if Traya could 'learn' anything from her.

"You certainly left an impression. However there is more to your disposition than either you or me could've known."

"What do you mean?" Hector asked intrigued.

"I can't really explain in detail but it seems you're able to 'project' your emotions at anyone you focus on." Traya replied.

"That's neat." Hector said which Traya then said,

"So you think having a unique ability for someone that doesn't have an aura is just... neat?" Traya said in a plain expression which Hector replied.


"...Sometimes I wonder why I train you." Traya said in response while pinching the bridge of her nose.

And then a familiar brown and pink haired woman appeared from behind them.

Turning around Hector said,
"Ah the psychopathic ice cream lady arrives."

Neo then stuck her tongue out at Hector before Traya asks.

"I assume you now know the location of the White Fang train?"

Neo nods happily before taking out her scroll and typing out,

'Yes everything is going according to plan. However there is a part of Cinder's plan that Roman just told me that you should know.'

"And what is this plan you speak of?" Traya asks which Neo then explains.

'Cinder explains that once the Fall of Beacon is unfolding she plans on giving me a scroll that contains a virus to then give to Roman once he's locked up in on Ironwood's flagship.'

"Wait doesn't the flagship control the drones- Oh shit that's actually smart." Hector said which Neo nodded and typed out,

'She's a bitch but it is smart on her part. Anyway before she get suspicious the tunnel is 3B.'

"Very good. Oh quick question." Hector said which Neo raised an eyebrow.

"You don't have any moral issues beating up a bunch of naive Huntresses in training right?"

Neo then simply gave a face splitting smile before nodding.

"Great! I'll see you next week then!" Hector said happily before Neo bowed and shattered into a million pieces.

Hector and Traya then headed back to his luxury suite to prepare for the upcoming trip. As they walked back however Hector was curios if there were others before him that Traya took an interest in.

"Hey Traya I have a question for you."

"You have but to ask." Traya said curious to know what was on the bounty hunter's mind.

"You said you trained other Huntsmen and Huntresses right?"

"Yes I have but many of them quit or fell short." Traya said which Hector then mumbled.

"Not surprising-"


"Damn it!" Hector yelled as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Are you going to ask a question or are you going to be a smartass?" Traya said sternly.

"Okay! Damn... were there others who were quote 'worthy' that actually got your stamp of approval or was I the lucky one?"

"First off there is no such thing as luck but there was one before you."

"Just one? Who was it?" Hector asked now intrigued.

"She was young when I started mentoring her. She was talented with the scythe and knew how to use her weapons to the fullest extent but... her stubbornness and pride got to her."

"She dead?" Hector said nonchalantly which Traya said.

"No she did not per se. But she soon stopped being a Huntress. I told her that her pride and pursuit of fame would catch up to her. The last thing I heard from her was that she was somehwere in Mistral, spending the rest if her years in regret." Traya said which Hector replied.

"Sounds like me... if I was stupid."

Traya then let out a small chuckle which Hector was unnerved by since Traya was one of those people who wouldn't laugh if a good joke hit her in the face.

"Trust me both of you are similar yet different in some aspects but that's a discussion for another day. For now you rest, plan and of course meditate since I know you haven't been meditating." Traya said the last part looming over Hector who said.

"Um... my lawyer had advised me not to comment on any more questions."

Author's Note: Guess what? My absolute dumbass fully edited it but forgot to hit the damn 'publish' button. But anyway hope you guys like this chapter!

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