Chapter 12: A Regular Day

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After nearly two months in Atlas avoiding Ironwood's Dogs as Hector called the Special Operatives Unit, he finally got the call regarding his special equipment.

To say he was excited was an understatement. He quickly ran through the tunnel infested with Grimm and ran towards the settlement until he slipped, which after holding his knee and reminding himself to buy knee pads he continued to walk the rest of the way.

Ten minutes later...

"Here they are, you didn't give me a clear picture and don't even get me started on getting the sensors and the gravity dust to work. Overall, I should be charging you way more but, you did this town a solid so I digress." He said putting them on the table which Hector immediately put on.

If Hector were to describe them, it would be like bracers that tightened around the bottom edge of his boot. Built into the bottom of the bracers were black rectangles that showed the gravity dust. Having three circles on the back heel, three on the outside, and two in the tip of his boots that were the sensors.

Then for what was basically rocket boosters, were a cylinder on the right and left side of the bottom of his legs that was about a few inches from the ground.

After the weaponssmith explained how to insert new dust crystals into the boots he then told Hector that in order to activate the air boosters he gave him device that went up halfway up his arm with a simple light blue button.

This was like getting a Christmas gift early.

"This is really gonna help me now." Hector said pacing literally on the wall while looking at his arm.

"As a little bonus here's some air and gravity crystals as a thank you for helping this town."

"No no no no. I pay." Hector replied holding up some Lien before putting it on the counter.

He then decided to head outside and use the air boosters to get some practice away. He figured since he was out here away from prying eyes he could practice.

The weaponssmith tood him that depending on how he extended or bent his legs would determine how he accelerated or slowed down and he could just press the button to start or shutdown his boosters.

Many, many, many falls later...

Hector has so far spent nearly three hours of nonstop training. Despite the cold and aches in his legs he decided to try once again knowing even more now since he flew into a surprisingly soft snow which he thought was ice.

After activating his boots he decided to simply hover on the ground which he then stretched his legs and began flying. While soaring through the air Hector yelled.

"I'm a fucken God!"

But Hector failed to see the small meters showing how much dust he had left in each booster which resulted in him heading right into a large pile of snow.

"I should've been using this to fly back." Hector said to himself as he shook off the snow.

He then happily made his way back to the crater and then the inn to eat. He was thinking about eating a steak with sauteed mushrooms and a baked potato on the side.

However as he just crossed the signs warning people to stay clear of the Grimm infested tunnel the two kids who would sometimes be there ran up to him, albeit a bit intimidated as he was wearing his all white outfit.

"Hey." Hector said nodding up which the boy with the wolf's tail said between breaths.

"The... Atlas... Schnee... another one..." he said which then the girl with dark blue hair rolled her eyes and said.
"There's two people from the Atlas military asking about you." Which Hector asked.

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