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Hogwarts, 15/11/1991, 12:52

Hadrian was sat at the back of the history of magic classroom along with his friends. Due to the constant droning of Professor Binns about the goblin wars, Hadrian started reading Daphne's charms book which she had open in her lap, Blaise had fallen asleep, Tracy and Canis were discretely playing wizard's chess. From the other side of the classroom, the group of first year Slytherins were receiving scoffs and glares from one Hermione Granger as they continued to not pay attention to the lesson and break rules by playing games in class. After the excruciatingly slow class, the group of Slytherins hurried out, trying to get down to the Great Hall for lunch as quickly as possible, when they were stopped by a certain bossy, bushy-haired Gryff. "I honestly can't believe all of you!" she shouted, stepping in front of the group to block them from escaping,"you all sit there, completely inattentive to the lesson and play games instead of focusing in your studies! What do you have to say for yourselves?" She snapped as Blaise, Tracy and Canis groaned at her. "Listen, Granger," to everyone's surprise it was Daphne who had spoken up, her icy blue glare fixated on Hermione,"what we do is none of your concern. Professor Binns has taught the same lecture since the first day of term with no differences in the story he recounts at all and you expect us to sit their and listen?" She finished as she stepped forward so her face was only about a foot from Hermione's. "W-well, you should always listen to the teachers!" the bushy-haired girl cried as she took a step back from Daphne. Just then, much to the Slytherins' dismay, McGonagall rounded the corner and walked up to them. The rest of the Slytherins quickly bolted off, not wanting to get into trouble with the biased professor, leaving only Hermione and Daphne standing face to face eith Hadrian stood a few metres away behind them, reading his grimoire.

"Explain, either of you, now." McGonagall spoke sternly, flicking her glance between Hermione's guilty expression, Daphne's glare and Hadrian's nonchalance. Hermione opened her mouth to speak but was beaten by Hadrian,"we were in history of magic, listening to Binns' same lecture on goblin wars for the 60th time when we decided we'd had enough- we being the Slytherins plus Canis," Hadrian began in a bored tone,"me and Princess here-" she glared at him for the nickname but he continued on,"were reading a fourth year charms book, Tracy and Canis played chess whilst Blaise slept. At the end of the lesson, Granger approached all of us and started scolding us for not listening and when Princess tried to debate it with her that's when you showed up. I can produce a memory of the event if you so wish to see it?" He added as he looked at McGonagall with a quizzical look. "That won't be necessary Mr Potter. 10 points from Slytherin for messing about in class and 5 points from Gryffindor for your continued harrassment of the Slytherins, Ms Granger." Hermione looked astounded that she had been deducted points for defending the rules but said nothing. Daphne turned to walk away, Hadrian following not far behind and as they made their way into the entrance hall she smacked him on the arm with a glare. "I told you to stop with the nicknames, Hadrian," she scowled up at his amused expression and stalked off into the Great Hall for lunch. Hadrian sighed and quickly followed, wanting to get some food in his system before afternoon classes began.

Room of Requirement, 03/12/1991, 20:43

"So what are you guys planning for the holidays?" Neville asked as he peered over the edge of a four poster bed at the group of Slytherins plus Canis playing exploding snap on the floor of the dorm created by the room. Everyone playing except Tracy groaned and chorused,"Yule Ball" at the same time whilst Tracy snickered at them making her the target of four identical angered expressions causing her to laugh even more. "Well at least you can have fun with your little girlfriend from Hufflepuff, Cub," Hadrian laughed as Canis turned a bright red colour, putting the Gryffindor-coloured trim on his robes to shame. "Shut up, Prongslet," he snapped,"don't act like you won't be asking your oh so beloved Ice Queen to the ball and skiving off with her somewhere to read." He laughed as the usually closed off Hadrian and Daphne both blushed. It wasn't long that his laughing was cut off by Daphne's wand digging into his throat with a menacing glare painted on her face. "Stop calling me that!" She snapped as the tip of her wand glowed purple. Canis raised his hands in surrender, genuinely fearful of what she was going to do to him. She huffed and pocketed her wand, a victorious expression now residing on her face causing everyone but Canis to laugh ridiculously. Eventually - after many more games of exploding snap, funny stories of pranks shared by Canis and Hadrian and speculations about Blaise's new stepdad - Tracy and Daphne moved into another part of the room as a wall materialised between their two beds and the rest of them and everyone went to sleep. Only one more week until they would leave Hogwarts.

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