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Hogwarts Grounds, 02/09/1991, 13:55

Hadrian trudged down from the castle to the edge of the Black Lake for his meeting with Daphne. He walked over to the mangrove tree and took a seat against its roots while he waited. It wasn't long until a soft cough alerted him of her arrival behind him. He turned his head and looked up at her, his vibrant emerald eyes meeting her icy sapphire gaze. She looked at Hadrian sitting on the ground and upturned her head slightly at the thought causing him to laugh and transfigure a nearby stone into a chair for her. They sat in awakward silence for several minutes, Daphne not knowing where to begin. After staring at the lake for several moments as she breathed deeply to compose herself she began to speak,"First, I think I should apologise."

Hadrian stared at her, mouth slightly agape as she turned back to facing the lake. "I just thought that with you being the famous Hadrian Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived you would be some spoilt, arrogant, pompous and idiotic child who nobody ever said no to, but, as much as I hate to admit it, I was wrong." She sighed as she turned back to Hadrian, her discomfort at the conversation clearly visible. "I think I get it," he replied, now it was his turn to turn to the lake and her turn to act surprised. "You do?" She stared at him quizically, waiting for his response. "I mean, yeah. If the only somewhat famous person I'd grown up around was Malfoy I'd also think everyone famous was an arrogant ponce but, to be quite honest, I never really cared about the fame. As far as I know, I just survived. I didn't do anything to kill Voldemort-" Daphne winced slightly at the name but he continued,"the fame shouldn't be mine. It was more likely my mum or dad who did something worthy of praise than me." He finished, still staring out at the distant peaks across the lake while Daphne stared in astonishment.

"That's why I'm always trying to prove myself in class, it's because I've been branded this almighty wizard capable of striking down one of the most feared dark wizards in the country despite not being old enough to remember a single second of it." He was starting to get agitated now, he could hear it in his own voice but he made no attempt to calm himself down like he usually would. For some reason, he felt comfortable sharing all of this with Daphne but he had no idea why. He wondered if it was because she was a sufficiently trained occlumens enough to be able to ward this information about him off from any legillimency attack but he couldn't be certain. "I just don't get it!" He raised his voice in exasperation, causing Daphne to flinch at his sudden loss of temper,"I mean, how can the entire wizarding world believe that an infant, not even able to speak or walk, was abale to defeat the man even Albus Dumbledore feared!" he yelled as he chucked a stone into the still surface of the lake before burying his head in his hands and sighing deeply, trying to reign in his emotions. Once he composed himself, he looked at Daphne and what he saw almost made him break down. He saw how she looked at him with pity and guilt, her expression contorted into one of sorrow. He slowly stood up and began walking to the castle, leaving Daphne alone by the lakeside looking confused. This wasn't the plan, she thought, I was meant to try and patch things up with him and now I've just made everything worse. After waiting a few minutes to restore her usual indifference she slowly made her way into the castle to prepare for their flying lessons.

All first year students were lined up, Ravenclaws next to Gryffindors on Madam Hooch's left with Hufflepuff and Slytherin on her right. She began her explanation about the safety requirments of broom flight and detailing all the things that could go wrong making a few of the inexperienced fliers queasy. She held her hand over a broom and shouted "up!" making it shoot up, ready to mount. She blew her whistle and everyone chorused "UP!" Hadrian's flew to his hand first try, as did Tracy's, Canis' and Daphne's. Everyone else took a few attempts with the Weasley even managing to smack himself in the nose with his broom before being able to pick it up. Hooch then told them all to mount and went around correctinf people's grips on the handle one of them being Malfoy which delighted Canis greatly.

While Hooch was assisting Susuan Bones with her grip, wails of utter fear could be heard as Neville began to rise off the ground. Ten feet, twenty feet, thirty, fourty. It didn't matter how much he tried to move the broom down or how much Hooch scolded him, he just kept climbing higher and higher. Realising this was only going to get worse Hadrian flew up as well, much to Madam Hooch's protests, and positioned himself a few feet below Neville before the inevitable could happen. Eventually, he fell but instead of 130 feet it was only fouras he landed on the back of Hadrian's broom who lowered them gradually to the ground, trying not to lose control of the broom and risk injury to them both. Madam Hooch briskly left to take Neville to the hospital wing as people flocked around Hadrian asking him how he knew how to fly so perfectly. He just stared blankly and moved away next to Blaise, Tracy and Canis; whilst Daphne was also with the group, he made a constant effort to ignore her attempts at conversation, something which hadn't gone unnoticed by his friends.

Soon everyone filtered into the castle, the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors heading to history of magic whilst the Ravenclaws and Slytherins left for DADA. Hadrian was late to enter the class, stepping inside and looking around for a seat. The seat next to Blaise was taken by Tracy, the seat next to Nott was taken by Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were sat together, none of the Ravenclaws had left an open seat leaving only one space: the one next to Daphne. Hadrian slowly walked towards the free seat, not looking at or acknowledging anyone else in the room. He sat down and the lesson began, he didn't even bother to get his books out of his bag and just stared into nothingness the full lesson. Daphne kept shooting worried glances at the unresponsive boy, wondering if she'd done something to offend him. The lesson ended and Hadrian was first to leave the room with his friends trying to catch up but he had completely disappeared.

Potions was last and Hadrian wasn't present for the entire lesson, gaining bewildered looks at each other from Nott, Canis and Blaise. The lesson went by with Snape trying his hardest to terrorise the Gryffindors whilst blatantly favouring the Slytherins. Seamus Finnigan had blewn up his cauldron and Weasley had melted his landing both Gryffs in the Hospital Wing. Potions had past and it was now free time until the evening lessons with Hadrian still gone completely missing from the castle. Canis even asked the Weasley Twins to check the map but his name wasn't there either, leaving them hoping he would be back before the end of the day.

Potter Manor, 02/09/1991, 19:30

Charlus Potter was sat in the drawing room with Cyrus Greengrass, Augusta Longbottom, Sirius Black and Amelia Bones discussing recent rumours of a rogue Death Eater attack when the fireplace erupted into emerald light. They all turned to the fireplace with questioning glances at each other when out stepped a raven haired boy dressed in ragged and torn Hogwarts robes. He began to walk to the door but was stopped by Charlus,"Harry? Are you ok?" He turned the boy around to face him and was stunned. The boy's eyes were swollen and bloodshot, his face covered in dust and dirt with small streaks of false cleanliness clearly caused by tears. Charlus softly pulled Hadrian into a hug which caused him to break down crying. The boy known to hold all his emotions close to his chest, openly crying in front of company. Charlus led him out the drawing room and took him upstairs before he returned, taking some floo powder and disappearing after shouting "Hogwarts!" in an undeniably angry tone.

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A/N: another chapter! And where to start >-<

First: Harry isn't going to be an emotionless recluse in this fic, sry for late warning but that's not how it's gonna be like how it is in other works I've read. Yes he may hide his emotions but he's an 11 y/o for crying out loud, he'll still bear the strain of his building negativity.

Second: Ik you will be mad about my pump fake of Harry finally starting to open up to Daphne but really? A day after school starts and you think they're relationship will be sunshine and rainbows? Cmon mannn~

Third: No first year quidditch actuon for you, sry. Im awful at writing quidditch scenes (I have tried four times and failed each one) so I'm putting that off till as late as I can.

Anyways, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and you know the drill by now: reviews n critiques are welcomed. :)

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