Arrival and Sorting

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Hogwarts Express, 01/09/1991, 18:30

In Hadrian's compartment, only two were still awake. Himself, avidly reading through his family grimoire for the fourth time and the oh so outgoing Ice Queen who was also reading a book except hers was on fourth year charms. Their quiet reading time was intereupted with a loud bang as their compartment door was rudely forced open for the second time in the journey. Standing in the doorway dressed in Hogwarts robes was a deathly pale boy sneering at the inhabitants of the compartment. His blonde hair was slicked back with enough Sleekeazy gel to be classed as an oil spill, the sheer amount of it reflecting the light from the carriage like snow.

"Hanging out with squibs and mudbloods now, Greengrass? Why don't you come to my compartment, we're far better company than this filth," he spat, glaring viciously at Tracy, Neville and Hadrian. Daphne slammed her book shut and looked up at the boy, her face still indifferent but her usually icy eyes were alive with unadultered rage. The temperature inside the compartment dropped significantly, waking up the rest of their company, as she rose delicately from her seat and stood face to face with the newcomer. "Listen, Malfoy. Daddy can't help you here so what I suggest is you leave now and stop bothering me and my friends. Potter is free reign however," she added the last statement quickly, a flicker of amusement reaching her face before returning to its stoney norm. Malfoy began to tremble under her gaze, his knees quivering as he began to cower from her growing magical presence. "H-how dare you s-speak to m-me like that!" He stuttered,"m-my father will h-hear ab-bout this!" He yelled in an extremely high pitched voice as he began to run down the carriage, Crabbe and Goyle close behind.

Daphne closed the door and took a breath to compose herself before turning to the rest of the compartment. Hadrian was smirking while still not raising his eyes from his book, Neville had his knuckle in his mouth to stifle his laughter but Canis was audibly wheezing with amusement. "Honestly, that boy doesn't know when to quit,"Daphne muttered as she sat down, her indifferent façade slipping to reveal her agitation,"No amount of money in the world would make me want to enter a marriage contract with him." Hadrian moved his book up to cover his face as his mask slipped, revealing a small amount of relief at Daphne's ranting.

The Hogwarts Express arrived at the station 45 minutes after the Malfoy incident and everyone in the compartment began to file out. They were all led down to the edge of the Black Lake and began to clamber into the boats. In one: Tracy, Blaise, Daphne and, much to the blonde's disappointment and Canis' amusement, Hadrian. In another, Canis and Neville were joined by Hannah Abbott and, this time to Hadrian's amusement, Susan Bones. As the castle came into view, many audibly gasped at the size of it. Harry just smiled widely whilst Daphne paid no mind to it and was expertly analysing her fingernails. Once the boats had docked, they were escorted to the entrance of the Great Hall where a fight almost broke out between Ron and Draco but was intereupted when the old woman in green robes opened the doors to reveal the four benches and high ceiling of the hall. As the first years walked towards the professors' table, Hermione was twlling anybody who would listen about Rowena Ravenclaw's enchanted ceiling. Honestly, does that girl ever shut up, Hadrian thought as the group of new students stopped. Lying on a stool in front of the group was a faded brown coloured, ragged, ancient-looking traditional wizards hat. The hat split just above the brim and began to sing:

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.

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