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Godrich's Hollow, 31/10/1981, 18:28pm

The night was cold on Hallowe's Eve in Godrich's Hollow as the cloaked man apparated to the front of a small cottage. The man could hear children in nearby streets celebrating the final day of October, going door to door for candy. He opened the gate with a wave of his hand and ascended the path towards the oak door. He raised his wand and, with a blinding white light, it caved in. A child crying, a man shouting, hurried footsteps ascending some stairs.

"Expelliarmus!" Yelled a dark haired man as a red light flashed towards the cloaked figure who batted it away with the back of his hand before a sickeningly green light illuminated the room as it collided with the dark haired man's chest.

"Such a waste of pure blood, if only you had joined my ranks," the cloaked figure spoke in an almost consoling manner before he stepped over the lifeless body of the dark haired man and began ascending the stairs before arriving at the door where he could hear the child's crying and, with a violent bang, another door of the cottage was cast from its hinges.

"Move, girl. I made a deal with Severus to spare your tainted blood," the figure spoak as he looked down on the red-haired woman who stood in front of the cot sheltering the dark haired child in her arms. The man once more raised his wand, "Foolish girl. I, the Dark Lord, gave you a chance to spare your own life before I kill this child. Your refusal will bring great pain to Severus. Avada Kedavra!" The green light returned slamming into the back of the red-head causing her to drop to the floor in front of the cot as her child began to whail. The Dark Lord raised his wand once more and sent the green light barrelling towards the child. What he didn't expect however, was for it to rebound at twice the speed and collide with his own abdomin.

The child screamed as the cloaked figure descended to the floor - a dark, cloud-like substance rising from its back. The child once again screamed and a powerful, silver light filled the room causing the ceiling to cave in and the walls to crumble which crushed both bodies lying dead in the room. The wraith ascended through the newly demolished roof and disappeared leaving the infant child alone in the nursery reaching out for the streaks of blood-stained ginger hair between the rubble.

507 words (they will get longer after this as its only the prologue)

A/N: Ok please dont murder me in the reviews. Im a first time writer with no idea what the fuck im doing but wanted to put some ideas into a story bc they were really interesting. Throughout i will try to make harry better than cannon but not ridiculously powerful like some stories but he will be ahead of his peers. With that said please gimme structured criticism as its much appreciated instead of receiving abuse. Thank you! :)

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