Books, Trains and Migraines

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Potter Manor, 11/08/1991, 19:30

Hadrian was sat in the dining room of Potter Manor, along with his grandfather, eating an expertly crafted Sunday roast. "I have to give it to the elves in our kitchen," Hadrian started, swallowing a mouthful of Yorkshire pudding,"this dinner is absolutely brilliant!" Hadrian continued to eat quickly whilst also maintaining proper etiquette expected of him as the heir to an Ancient and Most Noble house. After he was finished, he laid his cutlery at either side of his plate and followed his grandfather into the library. They stopped at a wall on the right side of the room with the Potter family crest carved into the recently polished marble. Charlus waved his wand over his palm, a small gash appearing and starting to ooze crimson. He raised his cut hand to the wall and the engraving began to glow burgundy. The wall slid away revealing a small corridor with walls as dark as tar, lined with torches leading to a small round room with a pedestal in the centre. Charlus led Hadrian towards this pedestal before stopping and pulling him closer so that Hadrian was now only a couple feet away from it. He looked at his grandfather before looking back down at the pedestal and staring at the ancient-looking, leather bound book lying closed on top of it.

"Hadrian, this is the Potter family grimoire," Charlus began,"this book contains the entire history of our family along with all of our spells. Normally, I would not present this to you until your fourteenth birthday but considering you are already ahead of your peers I made an exception. I'm going to need some of your blood for the family magic to accept you before you can access the grimoire, this will only hurt a little, ok?" Charlus approached Hadrian with his wand out, he waved it over his grandson's palm which started to pour with blood. Charlus pulled Hadrian's wrist onto the book which caused it to glow a vibrant gold that eventually spread over his body. After about a minute, the light disappeared and Charlus sealed Hadrian's cut before handing him the book. "You have been accepted by the family magic. For the rest of the summer you will read the grimoire and begin to practice the magic inside. I will also let you take the book to Hogwarts to read as I know forst year education there will probably leave you quite underwhelmed." Charlus said as he looked down at his grandson. "Now, it's getting late so let's head off to bed and we can begin your training in family magic tomorrow." After saying this, he led Hadrian out of the secluded room before sealing the wall again. Hadrian then bowed slightly to his grandfather,"Thank you, Grandfather. I will not let you down with this." He said before climbing the stairs. He entered his room, removed his clothes and collapsed onto his bed. Within minutes, the exhausted boy was fast asleep.

Potter Manor, 01/09/1991, 7:30

Hadrian stood in front of the fireplace in the drawing room of Potter Manor dressed in a smooth button-up white shirt, black loose-fitting trousers and scarlet robes with a burgundy trim, all made od acromantula silk as "the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter use only the best" is how his grandfather had explained it. On his left middle finger he wore a small platinum band encrusted with gems a similar shade to his robes - the heirship ring to the House of Potter. The gems were not as large as the lordship ring, but the band itself had the Potter Family motto engraved into it: 'Natus Vincere' (Born to Conquer). He began pulling on his shoes made out of the hide of a Chinese Fireball as his grandfather entered the room wearing similar robes and clothes except he wore a dull gold waistcoat and charcoal trousers instead of black. He led Hadrian into the fireplace, shouting "King's Cross!" clearly. With that, the emerald flames enveloped the Potter duo and they disappeared, leaving the manor unpopulated aside from the house elves working busily in the kitchens and the grounds.

Hadrian steppes out of the giant fireplace with his grandfather into a large atrium crafted out of centuries old stone bricks. The floor they glided across was a dull brown and uneven making walking and maintaining proper posture a chore for Hadrian. Eventually his grandfather held out an arm across his chest to stop him and he looked up at the large and shining train, coloured in reds as dark as blood. His grandfather grabbed him by both shoulders and looked down at him before speaking. "Listen Harry, this is your first year away from the Manor. You are expected to remain out of trouble and to do our family's reputation proud- and for the love of Merlin, don't repeat your father's mischievous behaviour. Of course, you will be returning home for our Yule traditions where I will ask for an update on your studies and the rest of your school life. Now, this is where we part, my boy. Go make us Potters proud." Charlus smiled down at his grandson, his hardened hazel eyes softening as Hadrian pulled him into a hug.

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