Trolls and Sorrow

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Hogwarts, 31/10/1991, 4:00

Hadrian woke up on the morning of Halloween feeling down. The past month had gone normal and he returned to the Great Hall for meals instead of residing in the kitchens. He showed his friends the Room of Requirement and started helping them practice spells which caused a few of them to have their grades in charms and transfiguration to rise drastically. He went out to complete his morning routine and returned to the dorms, feeling glum even after his workout which usually bolsters his spirit. While he was changing, he caught a glimpse of the Potter Grimoire and remembered he was supposed to be practicing the spells and rehearsing the information provided within it but with what had happened when he started school he had completely forgot. He picked up the book, shrunk it and placed it in his pocket to read through later. Hadrian took a deep breath, supressing his emotions before stepping out of his room and ascending into the Slytherin common room where, the same as every other day, his friends were waiting for him before breakfast. He smiled at the three Slytherins before walking out towards the Great Hall with them.

When they reached the hall and sat down, Canis and Neville walked over from the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables to join them as they had done for every meal in the past month. Canis was constantly glancing at Hadrian worriedly as they ate as he knew what this day meant for his best friend. "I'm fine, Canis," Hadrian said without lifting his gaze from the grimoire in his hand,"I'll be visiting them during the Yule break so I'll save my mourning until then." This made the rest of their group except Neville look at him in understanding. They all knew about what happened on Halloween to the Potters bit they also knew that Hadrian didn't want their pity for it. The Slytherins of the group all made their way to the DADA classroom as Neville and Canis split off to go towards the greenhouses. The day went by slowly and Hadrian went to the room of requirement to practice some of the spells from the grimoire.

He paced 3 times in the corridor next to the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy and a large metallic door appeared. Hadrian looked up and down the corridor and, upon not seeing anybody, he opened the door and stepped inside. He looked around the room, a large stone platform in the centre with several large boulders and carved wooden figures atop it. As soon as he stepped onto the stone, the wooden figures moved around and raised their arms to fire spells at him. He ducked, rolled, sidestepped and weaves his way through the onslought of magic from around him. Eventually, he flicked his own wand to his hand and started fighting back, shooting off any spell he could inbetween using shielding charms. Twenty minutes later, he had destroyed eight of the ten figures in the room and was hiding behind a boulder from the other two trying to recover some stamina before taking them on. He emerged from his hiding spot and transfigured one of the boulders into a wolf which pinned down one of the figures as he sent a blasting curse at its head, destroying it. He rounded on the last figure deciding to use one of the spells he had read in the grimoire. "Subita Mortae," he whispered as a piercing white light struck the figure but did nothing to it. He wanted to try another spell he found in the grimoire but was knocked off his feet by a white coloured spell from the figure as it moved closer to him. He raised his wand and shouted,"Atramento ardeat!" His wand lit up black as the figure was covered in a tar like substance before being set alight. The flames produced by the spell were pitch black and offered absolutely no light. Hardrian lay back on the stone and sighed in exhaustion and exitement at having successfully used one of the spells from the grimoire. After a few minutes of rest he stood up and went down to his dorm to get ready for the Halloween feast, despite how much he wished he didn't have to attend it.

As he entered the dungeons, he spotted the vivid purple turban of Professor Quirrel charging at him with blistering speed. He stepped aside and let the DADA teacher fly past him without a word and peered down the corridor to see what had the man in such a frenzy. He used lumos maxima and when the ball of light shot down the corridor he could see a 15 foot, maybe taller, troll standing there with a large club in hand. It was a sickly green colour, covered head to toe in enormous warts causing Hadrian to gag at the sight. The troll stared at him and roared, raising its club to strike him. As the large plank of wood descended, Hadrian rasied his wand and shouted "Bombarda Maxima!" The pale white lightning bolt of magic slammed into the ceiling above the troll, causing brick, dust and stone to rain down onto it as Hadrian turned and sprinted for the stairs. When he reached the top he saw the four heads of houses, three of them gaping at his dirt covered, sweat soaked face. He turned to Snape and began to speak quickly,"I assume Quirrel informed you of the intrusion then?" He was almost panting trying to catch his breath as Snape nodded. Hadrian turned and raised his wand as the troll roared and began ascending the stairs. "Subita Mortae!" He said in an even tone as the blinding white light appeared from his wand for the second time that evening and struck the troll in the centre of the chest. The four adults and Hadrian watched as the troll stopped, completely still and fell backwards down the stairs after a few seconds. The heads of house stared at him in astonishment, the boy was barely past the age of eleven and cast a spell powerful enough to kill an adolescent mountain troll, the most magic resistent of the families of trolls.

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