Longbottom Manor

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Potter Manor, 10/08/1986, 9:36

Heavy footsteps could be heard through the forests residing at the back of the Potter estate as a now 6 year old Harry sprinted through the tangled roots and wild undergrowth, a soft laugh escaping his lips as he plunged deeper into the woods.

"Master Hadrian sir, Master Charlus wishes for you to come inside to speak with him," a small figure squeaked at his ankles after apparating near him.

"Merlin, Toby! Don't scare me like that," Harry gasped "and you dont have to call me Master Hadrian, just call me Harry. I've known you long enough to skip over formalities. If you would, can you bring me to my grandfather?" And with a low bow, the elf grapped Harry's leg and disappeared with him into the manor.

"Good morning, grandfather. You wished to see me?" Harry questioned as he entered the conservatory. "Yes, take a seat there is much to discuss, boy" Charlus replied, his warm gaze resting on Harry as he began to move to the sofa.

"Today we will be taking a trip to Longbottom Manor. Whilst there, you will meet with several other children your age of pureblood families to learn early proper pureblood etiquette and maybe make some friends," Charlus explained, his eyes never leaving Harry's as the child stared at him with a confused expression.
"But why? Can't you just teach me? Why do I have to go meet a bunch of other people for this?" Harry asked, his emotions reaching almost to a boiling point as his flaring emerald eyes met softening hazel.

"It is so that you can start to create powerful alliances early. Your father had friends bur, except Sirius, his friends mostly weren't powerful in the Wizengamot. Making friends at this class will make life easier for you once you turn 17 and take over my position there. Please, Harry, I wouldn't force you to go to this if it wasn't important for you." Charlus gave a comforting smile to Harry as he finished. As Harry nodded in disgruntled agreement, Charlus stood up and grasped Harry by the shoulder. "Thank you, my boy. Toby! Get Hadrian changed into some formal attire, we leave at 10:15." And with two pops, the elf appeared next to Harry and disappeared once more, taking the boy with him.

Longbottom Manor, 10/08/1986, 11:30

Harry sat at the back of the drawing room in Longbottom Manor, staring out the window at the trees of the nearby forest swaying in the wind. "-otter, Mr Potter? Mr Potter!" Harry snapped his head to face the front of the drawing room to see 7 pairs of eyes all trained onto him, brilliant he thought to himself now I'm the centre of attention. "Mr Potter as you were not paying attention maybe you could tell us about one of the pureblood holiday customs?" The teacher stared at Harry with a hawk-like glare, waving his hand downward in the direction of a blonde girl who had her hand raised to answer the question. "Well, Mr Potter?"

"There's always the Yule Ball at Christmas, where all the purebloods get together and have a little dance. Then theres the pureblood ball at the end of August before the each schoolyear starts as a way to try and set up ridiculus marriage contracts between the children present." Harry glared at the teacher, venom dripping from eveey word. The room started to go icy cold as if a dementor had entered causing the other children and the teacher to shudder. Harry took a few deep breaths to steady his emotions, and his magic, and the room once more returned to normal temperature. "V-Very good Mr. Potter," the teacher stammered "that w-will be all for now, come back after you have had a small break."

The scraping of 7 chairs along the hardwood floor of the Longbottom drawing room could be heard as many of the children ran to play outside. Harry waited for a moment before he was brought out of his thoughts by a pop. "Master Harry sent for Toby?" The elf asked, peering up at Harry. "Yes, could you apparate me over to that tree in the field so that I may read outside?" Harry replied as, with a low bow, the elf grabbed him and the appeared at the tree. "Thank you Toby." And with that, the elf disappeared once more leaving Harry alone in the grounds of the Manor.

"Oi, Potter! I didnt realise you were such a boring bookworm, come play quidditch with us instead!" A red-haired boy with freckles yelled as he and two others began climbing the hill towards Harry. Harry turned another page in his book, completely unperterbed by the interruption causing the redhead to turn irate. "What is the oh so great Boy-Who-Lived too good to play quidditch with us lowly children?" The boy spat, glaring at Harry.

"Leave him alone Weasley!" A blonde girl yelled as she marched up to the four boys, another girl close behind "you can clearly see he's busy so leave him alone." The girl glared at the redhead, her amber eyes boring holes into his hazel ones.

"Stay out of this, Bones," the boy to the left of the redhead scowled at the girl "this has nothing to do with you, go run off back to your parents." The girl turned to him, raising her hand to hit the blonde-haired boy but stopped when a loud slap crack was heard from the base of the tree. Harry placed his book on the floor as he stood, his face contorted into a deathly glare and his magic pulsing. He turned to the 3 boys in front of him and a wave of strong, icy magic pushed them to the ground. "How dare you," he whispered as the 3 boys began to scream. Harry stepped backwards, startled and confused by the screaming as the 3 boys scrambled to their feet and ran back to the house. "Y-You're a dark wizard!" The redhead squealed, "the Daily Prophet was right! You're a dark wizard!" He yelled all the way until he was out of earshot and in the house.

Harry sighed and turned to the two girls, the blonde silently crying in the arms of the other. "I'm sorry-" Harry started but was interrupted by the other girl, "Get away from us! Freak!" She yelled. Harry looked at her in hirt and confusion before picking up his book and walking back towards the manor. Great he thought to himself now I have to deal with grandfather's scolding.

1112 words (exluding A/N)

A/N: So another chapter done, I will continue from Longbottom Manor next chapter as I have a massive inspiration for the early story at the moment so I'm just trying to rattle out chapters as best I can.

Also you're probably wondering where the hell Neville was in all of this seeing as it's his house. Well you will find out in the next chapter so don't worry.

I know the writing is probably sloppy, any reviews or critiques are highly appreciated. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed :)

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