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"Sabo.. I.. I think Nico Robin is in alabasta and has killed Beatrice and Kona! I can not confirm, well except their screams in the call I had with them last! The feed was cut midway so, it could have been an assassin, but I can't confirm." said Sycro. As the rest in the meeting looked at sabo who actually seemed to be serious and think of how to solve this without doing much as sabo did remember that in a letter while back y/n did say she was trying to help the princess of alabasta which meant he had to be careful. Just then another member named Tatsu interrupted Sabo's thinking by mentioning what he did.
"Sorry for interrupting the meeting... But should we check out this organization... You know baroque works? Because a while back.. when we had free time with the rebels, I decided to come back and may come back here to check a few things, but basically what they said was something about killing the straw hats? You Know the ones you've been admiring recently? Well that and the marines as well as arriving at alabasta."
"You heard a marine transmission?" Sabo asked as everyone in the meeting went silent.
"Yes, in fact it was because I was setting up the meeting room and putting the transmitter transponder snail if we got any transmission from dragon or if they needed any of us to go help out in other areas. Although it is strange for you to suddenly get concerned for another countries affairs when we're supposed to be getting more information on islands directly associated with the world government." Tatsu spoke up as Sabo immediately silenced him with his answer.
"Well Tatsu this is why I asked for you and a few others to volunteer now didn't I? Secondly I will be getting in contact with a more reliable source on future events. Finally if Nico Robin really is here we need to ask her to join us as she was considered a threat to the world government at eight years old as dragon did mention something about history the five elder don't want the public to know."
Everyone agreed but then koala asked about the pirate group that was mentioned earlier.
"Great idea Sabo!" She said sarcastically.
"What about the strawhat pirates? We may not know exactly what's going on! Especially due to your... relatives with them..."
As she said that the group was now wondering but decided to not ask.
"Ok so the strawhats... Don't go anywhere near them as they attract trouble. Mean while Tatsu you keep taking care of the ship and check if any other plans or communication happen in between any organization such as Marines or baroque works. Sycro keep acting like every is normal and find intel that you can from passing baroque work people if you can for Tatsu's sake. Koala stay with the rebellion and find out why now after many years king Cobra has started to do nothing and why.. either way I'm going to check if it has anything to do with the princess of alabasta which I'll look after it myself and Sammy your coming with me." Sabo ordered everything and everyone did there part as Sabo and Sammy were now walking around the port and sabo started the conversation.
"Sammy... You know how I talked about the masked ranger right... Well they are family to me... And they helped me get my memories back."
"WOAH! I wait really! Your not messing with me are you? Is this what you've been talking with koala?."
"Yes that's exactly what we were talking about"


It been a few days since what y/n and she hadn't left the room.
'why did I accept what the author wanted! Am I even being myself? Is this truly me? Why did it feel horrible seeing him covered in blood? Did my interference really make law insane?' y/n kept questioning herself when she heard a big commotion and from what she heard was that the crew just met Mr 2. She had realized sadly sooner or later things changed more and more but it was now inevitable.
"Hey Ollie!" Luffy kept acting as if nothing that the two had experience, really happened.
"Hey Lu... I'm guessing a lot happened?" Y/n said as she got interrupted by Sanji.
"Oh! Y/n my love! Did you eat what food I brought up to the room last night!"
"Thank you Sanji it was nice dinner" y/n said as she then saw how close they were to Alabasta she had had gotten her back and left the ship that wasn't far from shore. By jumping fast on the water. The moment y/n arrived on land she immediately went and looked for clothes to hide herself but only to cover from most of the sun. She knew the moment she left things would go just as cannon would the moment she left. Y/n eventually walked around buying things to fix and improve the voice modulator. After a while y/n bumped into Sammy.
"Oh I'm-" Sammy responded as y/n quickly hugged Sammy.
"Ahh shoot!" Sammy immediately got scared as she saw y/n knowing she was marine as she remembered seeing her on news articles. When Sammy got up and began leaving y/n as sammy we scared of her and began running.
"Get away from me!" Sammy said as she then bumped into sabo who wasn't far and y/n bumped into both of them, making all of them falling on sand making some fly around them. When the sand cleared up y/n tried to hold back her tears when when saw Sabo and hugged him crying on him.
"Aww did you really missed me that much since logue town?" Sabo at first joked but when realization hit he immediately started to comfort y/n.
"Hey.. what's wrong?"
"Sabo I'm so glad that your here! And your ok! And I messed up! I'm sorry. I'm just a huge failure...I I've always been a failer....I not even back where I was originally did I achieve something worth accomplishing.... I've never been enough and I was always weak I shouldn't exist and I messed everything up! I can't tell if the author is messing with me or not. Like my it real or not? If it was all fake...why did I get a... Is it just a lie? She could be controlling you or me I don't know anymore! I don't even know if she referenced you dying in the future or not! Why was I a failer brought here" Y/n rambled as she cried and thought of how law stabbed him with a scalpel, as she saw no one helped him and he could have stabbed him more then once in the memory as well on how her previous life was. At the point she couldn't tell if it was her brain making it up or the author changing things.
"Woah easy there why don't you explain what happened after logue town." Sabo said as he tried to calm down y/n. As she later explain how this was fanfiction and how there are changes as she used Sabo as an example.
"What do you mean fanfiction? I'm not supposed to help in what really was going on with crocodile, but I want to help you now knowing this information. Originally we came here to see what really was going on and if this was a problem cause by the government since we heared crocodile was here and there was also a war starting in it's own country. And what was that about Sammy shouldn't even be here?" Sabo questioned as he calmed you down.
"So who is she?" Sammy asked as she saw how they were close.
"Well Sammy... She's my sister and someone you admire." Sabo gave her a response.
"What? But I don't even know her!"
"Yes you do Sammy I saved you hard to believe, but I'm the masked ranger" y/n said in trying to calm down.
"Stop. God seriously you must be insane from the heat lady, the person I admire is like a brother to me! And besides you probably do not know anything about him like the rest of the... wait your Sabo's sister and you know him, yet didn't stop him to capture him like the marine you are." Sammy at first angry calmed down as she thought of the situation looking at y/n which suprised y/n as she still slightly cried.
"Yeah I am... But I don't think I can continue... I just...I should stop.... I'm living a lie... But I don't want to die again. I'm proud of who've you've become Sammy, but things weren't supposed to happen like this." Y/n said finally wiping her tears.
"We should talk about this and I should stop talking about what may happen further in the future and let's focus on getting our idiot brothers out of trouble before if possible and before leaving the island..I can't believe how scared I am about this...but I'm thinking of finally resigning the Marines! And don't you mentioned it you'll summon him! And I can't have that!" Y/n said a bit scared but trying to finally be herself, but not fully yet ignoring Sammy.
"Don't worry, you're safe here. But resigning from the marines? I think it's a great idea, being a marine probably wasn't for you anyway I think you should follow your heart and do whatever feels right for you , even if your a fake marine, whether that's staying with the marines however long that really may be or resigning. It's your decision to make. As for getting our idiot brothers out of trouble, we'll find a way, we always do, we're the brothers of the future pirate king after all!" Sabo joked a bit felt a sense of nostalgia, weather y/n realized or not she was growing, from a shut in she was (and that he thought was a clone of Ace) to someone willing to change for herself, and for people she cared as she messed with time and the writing of the fanfiction. Although he was slightly worried about the author and fanfiction, but thought if the author stopped messing and let y/n learn on her own they still had free will of Thier own


Meanwhile y/n sabo and Sammy were walking to spice bean y/n was putting on a wig and using tape and glue and makeup to change her appearance, which caught Sabo's attention.
"Hey, what are you trying to do over there with glue and tape?" He asked as he saw her doing what she did.
"She's clearly changing her appearance.. why? I'd don't know, but I do have a few questions now, she ignored me again" Sammy intrupted the two siblings.
"Geez Sammy... I'm just trying to lay low from the marines and government... I'll answer later ok. Just not here and I didn't ignore you." Y/n responded after finishing putting on the make up.
"Well, good luck with that, I'm sure they won't be too happy with you leaving the Marines, and especially an old man we both unfortunately know. Hopefully he doesn't come after you with everything he's got.You know, you could always stay, with the revolutionary army? Especially with your skills and connections, you'd definitely be great at undercover especially after buying that wig makeup and glue."
Sabo laughed seeing y/n wear a electric purple wig.
"Let's just get going" y/n said annoyed as even Sammy smiled a bit as the three made it spice bean. Once they had arrived y/n sat close to where the commotion would start.
"Ok well it looks like we're the first ones to arrive at this family reunion"
"Family reunion? Wait is James here?!" Sammy said happily not knowing that James had unfortunately died in the new world helping y/n.
"Sammy... About that... James unfortunate died a while back." Y/n said a bit hesitant as she realized she messed up by saying family reunion as Sammy was there. As she said that Sammy didn't believe y/n, now even more as she thought y/n was lying, but once again she realized she wouldn't gain much by lying.
"Sammy I know how you feel... And I couldn't help... Just like I could- what I'm trying to say I understand... But no matter how hard I try sometimes people have died... When I don't want them to...yet no matter how fast or how hard I try... I don't know if I can make it... Before he died I talked to him... And then I talked to myself before he died I told him everything and he left a tone dial where he thought of things to say to you... Kinda like a dairy but not quite." Y/n sadly said while trying not to cry giving Sammy the tone dial. While that happened the second family member of the two came in.

Hey guys! Been a while... Well life I get busy but I haven't stopped. Secondly idk if I'll Sammy's reaction to the tone dial and give you more content or not... I'd probably put later around Marineford instead of the childhood flashback as that's basically the first book... Has sabo gains a sence of humor? I think he believes that... Honestly I kinda wanna just like hurt him, but like not really because he's nice...and I wanna hug him.... Although I do want to make fun of him for being told what to do, like man can organize us and the revolutionary army... But he... Well he can't take care of himself and just focuses on everything else. Tbh... Idk how I'm writing him... Wait a sec... He is like me but in another font... Shoot he's actually funny... Why do I get ideas at 3 to 5 am?....idk what to say no so bye

Ps that was written by a sleep deprived me.... Wtf..... How and why? I feel stupid.... Anyway should I do something similar to the sbs?.... Idk but I kinda want to. should I?

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