I haven't decided!!!!

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A/n: so it took me a while because I did get busy, anyway the chapter is all your pov enjoy!

'Fuck it I love surprises!' I thought and just like that me and Luffy started falling.


"No I didn't, I was still thinking! That stupid author!" I yelled and then I blacked out.

I later woke up in an apartment room?  When I see James.

"JAMES YOU'RE ALIVE!" I yelled seeing who I myself barriered on an island after he passed.

"Who the hell are you and how did you know my name?" He demanded.

"Do you not remember me? I mean I did save you from-"

"Yeah I don't think so. First of all, you've just met me and your probably just a kid thinking dumb stuff so I should have left you in the street."

"Sammy is Sammy ok!?"

"How do you know about Samantha!?"

"Ok what county, place, time are we in?"

"Ok your creepy bye." James said, kicking me out.

At that moment I was kicked out all I could think about was trying to find Luffy. I ended up searching for an hour but I eventually found him.

"Oh Luffy I'm so glad you're safe. And I'm getting like mother-like instincts since you look like you used to when you were even more little!"

"Wally, they gave me some ice and said would they pick me up? The nice granny also said I'm going home with Ace."

"Oh ok." At that moment all I could think about was where we were and at least Ace is someone we know would be here to help. Not long, just 10 minutes later ace arrived.

"Oh you must be new. Thank you for taking care of my brother. Are you waiting for a bus or something?" Ace said. When Luffy asked what I wanted to ask.

"Ace are you ok?"

"Yeah why?"

"Why did you treat Wally like you know him!"

"Oh is that an imaginary friend Luffy? Aren't you to old for that?"

"Hey Luffy it seems like once we went on that adventure things changed. It's fine I'll just try-"

"No Wally is my brother and I'm not leaving without him!" Luffy said wrapping me an a hug as his arms stretched, scaring Ace, but after his initial shock he started yelling at me demanding questions on why Luffy stretched.

"I can explain but we need to go somewhere private.

"Fine but I don't trust you so I'm just going take you guys near my home." Ace said getting his phone and it looked like he texted someone. We walked for a while and made it to a house.

"Well what did you do wally." Ace said in the most sarcastic tone ever.

"Wow you never change. Ok so I may have been teleported to another world with Luffy and we're here altho I have a feeling that you don't have a sister in this world."

"So what does the otherworldly stuff have to do?"

"Luffy is my little brother and your the older twin but now it looks like I don't exist once again."

Just then I felt a pair of hands grabbing me from behind. Luckily it isn't as hard as in the grand line to take care of people like them when I see they were dressed in white caretaker outfits and knew what he had planned. 

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