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Time Jump:
Raelynn Layla Jye Carson- 15, year 10
Azalea Jayden Carson- 8, year 3
Teagan Azar Carson- 8, year three
Suki Rae Carson- 6, Kindergarten
Lila Marie Carson- 3, daycare
Myah Lynn Carson- 3, daycare
Jasmine Rose Carson- 3, daycare
Sadi and Kai had triplets three years ago!

Sadi's POV:
"Kai, will you get the eldest three up, I'll get Suki and the triplets up?" I ask him after I get into scrubs
"Alright honey." He kisses my head before walking out.
I walk down to Suki's room first. I bend down beside her.
"Suki, honey up for mama!" I murmur.
She sits up and I give her a hug. I get out her school dress and shoes and socks.
"I get dressed in my own?" She asks
"Can you, I have to get L,M and J up! Thanks baby." I kiss her head!
She nods and I quickly leave. I walk into the triplets room. They are all in bed, asleep. I smile. I walk between Lila and Myah's beds. I shake their shoulders.
"Lila, Myah, wake up babies." I murmur
The three year olds sit up and rub their eyes! I walk around to Jasmines bed.
"Jasmine Marie, up for mama!" I whisper
She sits up and I let them all out of bed. They sit on the couch at the end of Myah's bed. I lift Myah onto the change table. I take her diaper off and put a new one on. I get her in a cute outfit before sitting her back on the couch. I repeat the process. They are identical triplets! It's so cute!

 They are identical triplets! It's so cute!

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Their outfits

I walk all three downstairs. I help them sit at the bench as the other four kids walk downstairs. I prepare breakfast before leaving Kai to watch the kids and prepare lunches and pack the triplets' bags. It hits 730.
"Kids, go do your teeth!" I call, "eldest three, help the triplets!"
"K Mom!" Rae calls back.
I finish packing the triplets bags then everyone runs downstairs, Rae and the twins carrying the triplets.
"Kai, hurry up! We need to get the kids to school then we need to get to shift!" I call
Kai runs in. He apologises and helps pass out the girls' bags.
"Alright, out to the van!" I exclaim
All the older kids run out. Kai and I carry out the triplets. We let Rae and the twins in the back back. We then buckle Suki in in her seat, then Jasmine. Then move onto the front row! We buckle in Myah and Lila! We then hop in.

 Then move onto the front row! We buckle in Myah and Lila! We then hop in

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Car set up

Kai drives us first to the high school. Rae climbs through the middle of the car.
"Bye Mom, Bye Dad!" Rae smiles as she climbs out the door, "bye sisters!"
"Bye Rae!" We all reply and she closes the door.
Kai drives us to the elementary school. The twins leave. We go to the kindergarten and Kai walks her in.
"Mama, show?" Jasmine asks
"No hon, we're about to go to daycare and you get to see Miss D!" I reply
"Otay!" She responds.
Kai hops back in and we get to the daycare. I carry Myah and Lila and Kai has Jasmine. We carry them and their bags. We sign them in. We take them to their classroom. We put their bags away and set them down in the mat.
"Bye babies!" I hug them.
"Bye mama!" They reply and run off.
We leave and head to work!

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