Good Suprise! Bad Suprise!

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A couple weeks later. Let's pretend Katie has a kid????
Sadi's pov:
I'm so excited right now. My aunt Katie is coming out with my cousin and her daughter, Alicia and Zaria! I am in the car right now with Kai, Azalea and Rae. Alicia is my age and Zaria is 2. I am bouncing my leg excitedly as we park at the airport. Thing is. Katie and Alicia don't know about Rae and Kai. Or that dad is dead. Me and Mama wanted to wait till they were here. We head in and find their gate. I see Aunt Katie walking with Alicia, who is carrying a sleeping Zaria. They come out and I run over.
"Aunt Katie!" I smile, "Alicia!"
"Hey Sades!" They reply and Zaria sits up, she wasn't sleeping.
"And is this Zaria?" I ask
"Yeah! ZaZa, baby. This is Sadi!" Alicia smiles.
"Hi!" She smiles
"Hello!" I wave slightly as I hear cries echo.
Uh oh. Raelynn.
"No, daddy I want mommy!" Raelynn exclaims
"Come 'ere hon!" I hold out my arms and she runs to me and wraps her arms around my neck. I lift her up and bounce softly.
"She slipped over and hit her head on a concrete pole." Kai walks over holding Azalea on his chest.
"Awww, my poor baby!" I soothe.
"It hurts mommy!" She points to her head.
I see a small cut.
"Aww, got a little cut there baby. Want paw patrol or frozen bandaid?" I ask her
"Frozen!" She mumbles.
I open my bag and find one. I put it on the cut. Rae rests her head on my shoulder.
"You've got a kid?" Katie asks, "2 kids!"
"And a fianceé. This is my eldest daughter, Rae she is 6! This is my baby daughter, Azalea, she is 6 weeks old. She had a twin but uh, she was stillborn!" I tell them quietly, "oh, and this is my fiancée Makai Carson!"
"Nice to meet ya! I'm Katie, this is my daughter, Alicia and her daughter, Zaria!" Katie smiles.
"Hey, you remember when I was younger and I called you auntie Kite?" I ask
"Oh that was hilarious. Your dad was laughing his head off. Will we go see him, your mom and your sister?" Katie asks
"Uhhhh, yeahhhh!" I answer
"Ok, let's go!" They smile
We go collect baggage and the car seat befor going down to the car and buckling in the third baby seat and getting the two adults in. We drive to Mom's. we get out and I get Azzy out. Rae runs to ring the doorbell. Layla opens the door.
"Auntie Katie!" Layla smiles, "Mama. It's Auntie Katie, Alicia and Zaria!!!!! And Kai, Sadi, Rae and Azzybear!"
"Let ''em in honey!" I hear mom call
We go in and all head to the lounge room. Layla sits on the floor and entertains Rae! I have Azalea under a blanket, breastfeeding.
"Where is Kelly?" Katie asks
"Uhhh, we wanted to wait till you were here to tell you. Umm, Kelly was killed in a car accident! Around 8 months now!" Stella exclaims softly
"No!" Katie starts crying.
"I'm sorry Katie!" Mom sighs
Alicia hugs her mom. Kai leans down and takes Zaria so that Alicia and Katie can hug properly. The sit back up and wipe thier eyes.
"Mama? You sad?" Zaria asks
"Yes Hon! Come ere!" Alicia takes Zaria.
We all relax then learn that they will be staying with us.
"Alright, Raelynn come on darling, we're going now!" I tell her.
"No!" Raelynn exclaims
"Raelynn!" I exclaim, "get up!"
"No!" She runs upstairs and I hear a door slam.
I pass Az to Kai and head up.
"Raelynn Layla Jye Carson! Where are you?" I ask
"Not telling!" She shouts and I trace it to the bathroom but the door is locked.
"Raelynn Layla Jye Carson! Open this door right now!" I bang on the door.
"No! I don't wanna go!" She scream back.
I sigh and lean my hands on the top of the bathroom door frame. I feel a key and pull it down. I unlock the door. Rae is sitting in the bathtub,
"Raelynn! Come on!" I growl, walking over and go to lift her up.
She hits me in the eye, "I said No!"
"Raelynn, we do not hit!" I tell her, my eye painful, "that hurt mommy!"
I sigh and lift her up. She cries. I bend her over and place 5 smacks on her butt. She squeals. I can barely open my eye, it's painful. I walk downstairs and take Rae with me. I hated having to smack her.
"Sadi? Your eye?" Kai asks
"She hit me in the eye!" I sigh, "Raelynn, put your shoes on!"
"Yes Mommy!" Rae goes and puts her shoes on.
"Are you ok darling?" Kai asks
"That was the first time I've smacked her butt." I cry and turn to him before my eye stings painfully, "owww!"
"Ok, let's get home. Raelynn, time out when we get home." Kai tells her
"Ok Daddy!" Rae has her head down.
We all head out to the car and get in, we drive home. We get out and I take Rae and Azalea inside.
"Time out Raelynn!" I tell her and she goes over.
I head to the fridge and get out an ice pack and wrap it in a sheet of paper towel. I place it on my eye and go sit in the lounge room. After five minutes and everyone is inside, I go over to time out. I bend down behind Raelynn. Kai has Azalea.
"Rae, honey, face mommy," I tell her gently
She turns around, her face is wet and her eyes red and puffy.
"Yes mommy?" She asks, her voice breaking from crying.
"Mommy didn't like hurting you. She doesn't want to do it again. And mommy's eye hurt from when you hurt it. Can you apologise?" I ask
"Sorry mommy! I don't know why I did it!" She cries heavily.
"Hey, come 'ere!" I soothe and open one arm.
She comes over and wraps her arms around my neck. I lift her up and walk back into the lounge room. We sit on the couch. Rae cuddles into my side.
"What do we all want for dinner?" I ask
"McDonalds!" Katie exclaims
"I agree!" Alicia replies
"What about you Raebear?" I ask
"Happy meal," she whispers softly
"Ok darling." I kiss her head.
"Can we go get it? Or will it be brought here. Cause going there will be cheaper!" Rae mumbles
"You wanna go on a drive hey?" I ask her
She nods. I smile.
"Alright, orders?" I ask and everyone gives me their orders.
I type them in my phone and get Raelynn out to the car. I drive to McDonalds. We get out and I let her go play in the playground whilst I order and wait for it. It comes and I carry the bags and drinks. I stand at the door to the playground.
"Raelynn come on darlin!" I call.
No response.
"Rae, darling, answer me please?" I call again.
No reply. A woman comes over.
"Are you looking for your kid?" She asks
"Yeah!' I show her a photo.
"Oh, she was carried out by another man. Thought he was her dad and she didn't want to leave. She looked like him." She exclaims
"Uhh, dark brown hair, blue eyes, two nose piercings?" I ask
She nods, "exactly, my name is Ruby, by the way. Ruby Collier."
"Shit, uhhh, I need to put this down." I head over and put it on the table.
I grab my phone out and dial Kai.
"Hey hon, you on your way?" He asks
"Uh no. Somethings happened." I tell him.

Kai's POV:
"Hey hon, you in your way?" I ask as I answer Sadi's call,
"Uh, no, somethings happened!" She tells me
"What?" I ask, instantly alert.
I pass Azalea to Katie and get up, walking to the other room.
"I think Rae's been taken by TJ!" She cries
"Shit! Uhhh, your at the maccas down the road right?" I ask
"Yeah!" She replies
"Hang up! Call 911! I'm on my way! Katie and Alicia can watch Az." I tell her
"Ok!" She ends the call.
I run to the lounge room and get my sneakers on.
"Makai?" Katie asks
"Rae's missing. I'm running down to there now. I need you to keep an eye on Azalea. Her bedtime is 1830!" I exclaim as I get my coat on
"Go!" Katie exclaims
I run out the door and down the street. I find my way to the McDonalds. I run in and see Sadi panicking.
"Sadi!" I call and run over.
"Kai!" She hugs me.
"What happened?" I ask
"I let her play and I got the food then called her name and she didn't reply. Then Ruby, this woman over here, told me she saw a man that look relatively like Rae come and get her. She described him exactly how I remember," she tells me, "it was him! TJ!"
"Ok darling!" I wrap her in my arms, angry that he took my baby girl.
Two police officers walk in. I wave em over. The come over.
"You the mother?" One asks Sadi
"Yes, and this is her father." Said replies
"Ok, I'm officer Rivera this is my partner officer Jameson! Heard your kids missing?" Rivera smiles
"Yeah, her name is Raelynn Layla Jye Carson! She is six years old. I believe that she was taken by a man named TJ! I don't know his last name though. He is Raelynn's biological dad. He raped my 7 years ago almost now. He runs with three other men. AJ, LJ and MJ!"
"Uh, we need you to come to the station with us. The 21st?" Jameson exclaims
"Yes, we'll come in our car!" I nod
They nod and we head out to our car. We put the food in the backseat. We follow their squad car and we arrive. We park and go in. We are taken upstairs. Sadi runs up and hugs an old man.
"Hank!" She smiles
"Hey Sadi, Rivera? Why are they here?" Hank asks
"TJ took their kid." Rivera exclaims
"Wait Raelynn?" Hank asks
I nod, "he's her father!"
"Waiiiiitttt what?" Hank asks
"7 years ago, the day I disappeared. I was raped, by TJ!" Sadi exclaims
"Wait, a living victim?" Jay asks
"Yeah I remember distinctly where it happened! 134 west Jackson!" I exclaim!
"Ok, we'll look for her and keep you updated!" Hank smiles
"Alright!" Sadi nods and we go home.

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