chasing the monsters away part 2

Start from the beginning

'I'm so grateful dad taut us how to get out of any bindings Oumbless you old man'

as the bandits are infront of the gate and look to see a man with a hood over his features and if you look carefully you can see the red hood is connected to the black jacket and if you look at the hood a noticeable white skull design can be seen on the hood and a red scarf, and what looks like a sword on his back in the sheath and then the man grabs on to the handle of the sword and the sheath with it it extended into a bigger sword and he instanly threw the sword and it landed on the look out and as all bandits were laughing instantly the man warped on to the look out and all were shocked and the man quickly cut down all of the bandits on the tower

-Scene trasition -

infront of the gates of the brawen bandit tribe Raven sees that all of the bandits in her tribe are dead on the floor bodies laying in their own blood some decapitated others their guts on the floor while some had faces frozen like their screaming in pain and the sight was horrifying

all around the death and carnage it seems to be like there is no end in sight and then see a man in the middle of the camp with a sword painted in blood with a kid next to him as they as they both stand still and

Marcus just looking around mildly impress

"*whistles* pretty impresive you were able to kill all these guys all on your own you must be strong" said Marcus while Raven is looking at the man feeling complex emotions as in anger, astonishment and...relief ? and many more emotions that she can't register but still she was the leader of the tribe and she has a resposibility to avenge them

"so you killed my tribes men then hmm"she said to the stranger as she goes to a fighting stance the man turned around and it was Gideon looking at the two confused and then relised on how bad it looked for him

"wait I didn't-" but was cut off by Marcus as he went to cut the mans head off with the a sword and Gideon reacted swiftly and blocked with his shield and pushed Mercury away for the boys safety and Raven followed the same action of Marcus

(if your wondering where Marcus got the sword, what happend to the other bandits)

( Gideon is purple, Raven is yellow, Marcus is green also I don't own this)

as they continue to fight with Gideon having the upper hand but also getting and as soon as Mar cus was kicked away am]nd fell to the floor and saw Mercury in the side in shock and amazement at the fighting prowess of the man that saved him but Marcus can't help but get angry at the mistake evertything in his life would've been better if that little shit didn't exist everything would be much better and just blames the kid everything that happend to him things would hagone smoothly if it wasn't for that little shit and in rage he threw the sword towards Mercury and he saw it getting closer to him and closed his eyes and prepared himself for the pain

but it it never came and so opens his eyes to see the the man shielding him as his Aura was flickering by the hit which surprised him


Gideon turned around to the boy somewhat confused "What?"

"why did you defende me while you could've taken out the guy by now if you let it hit" said Mercury

"is their suppose to be a reason to help another person?" Gideon asked the

"well yeah their should be a reason for it"

"hmm ok then let this be your reason it's because i wanted to" he said as if it answered it all but to mercury it didn't

"ugh shut up you make me want to kill myself already oh and also don't take your eyes of the enemy" said Marcus then having a cocky smirk

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