Beautiful Pain

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Thursday 22nd February 2018
Jess's POV

At 6 pm, around the time Marshall was supposed to land, Lexi called me an uber as the hotel was 45 minutes away on the other side of the city.

As I was finishing combing through my hair, I see the car pull up out front. I grab my bag and head into the other room to say goodbye to Lexi.

"You look nice." She said as I walked into the room.

"Wanted to make a good first impression."

"Um, don't be mad but I kinda emailed his manager and told him about you getting kicked out."

"Sorry, you did what?" I choked out.

"I told them about you being kicked out."

"They'll think I'm after a handout or something Lex."

"Exactly, you could be loaded."

"I'm not taking any money from him, anyways, my uber is here. See ya later girl, love you."

"Good luck, love you too." Lexi shouted as I closed the door.


As we were about 10 minutes away and the nerves had now hit me like a ton of bricks, my phone began to ring. I glanced down and noticed it was the same number that Paul had called me on this moring so I clicked the answer button.

"Hi Paul, I'm about 10 minutes away."

"Okay, I'll be waiting at the doors for you when you get here. Your friend contacted me, you okay?"

"I'm so, so sorry. I didn't expect her to email you but I'm good thanks."

"That's not a problem, she's clearly just a good friend looking out for you."

"I just don't want to cause trouble or give you guys the impression that I'm after some sort of hand out."

"You're good, nothing to worry about. I'll see you soon."

And with that he'd hung up, why did Lexi have to go and run her mouth? I wanted to hide the fact I'd been kicked out, it doesn't feel right to share details like that, even if Marshall is my dad.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I hadn't realised that we'd arrived so I quickly paid the taxi driver and got out the car.

Paul said he'd be waiting at the doors but as I'm walking towards them, I don't see him. Just security gaurds but then one of them offers me a warm smile and steps forward.

"Jess, right? I'm Paul, it's great to meet you."

"Oh, hi. Sorry, I didn't know what you looked like. Great to meet you too." I said, returning the smile.

Paul led me inside with no furthur words exchanged until we were in the elevator.

"You know, when you're in the light you actually look very similar to Marshall."

"Really, how so?" I'd never admit it because Alex and his fanboy ass would kill me but I actually don't know what Eminem looks like. I've heard his popular songs but I've never really payed that much attention to him.

"Piercing blue eyes, brown hair. Honestly, the way you carry yourself is similar too."

"That makes sense, I've always wondered why I didn't look anything like the rest of my so called family." I chuckled but inside I was doing a little happy dance that I might look something like my father.

Just then the elevator opened and we stepped out into an empty corridor with one room at the end, this must be the top floor, the penthouse suite.

Paul walked ahead and entered the room, motioning for me to stay outside for a second. This did nothing to calm my nerves.

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