Love The Way You Lie

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Monday 19th February 2018
Jess's POV

"Daniel? Eloise?" I called out as I stepped through the front door.

"First names? What've we done to you?" 'Dad' said as he made his way down the stairs to me.

"You're home early baby. Everything ok?" 'Mum' asked.

"Um, no. I actually wanted to talk to you guys about something." I said as we all sat down on the sofa.

"Fire away baby girl."

"Am I adopted?" I figured it'd be easier to rip the band-aid off straight away.

"What? Of course not. You're our daughter." Eloise said as the tension in the room rose.

"Why are you lying? Don't I deserve the truth?"

"You're not adopted, why would you even think that?"

"Because of this. I'm American, really?" I said as I waved the DNA results in their faces.

"We can explain." Daniel tried to reason.

"Oh, please do. All my life has been a lie, do you know how that feels?"

"We flew to America and adopted you the day after you were born. Your biological mother thought she wasn't fit to raise a child and as for your biological father, we have no idea."

"So my adoption is why the family, including you guys leave me out, make me feel like an outcast?"

"Exactly. Because you're not ours. Honestly, I'm not sure we ever really wanted you." Why was 'mum' being like this? As I tried to push back the tears, Dan spoke up.

"Ellie, you never talk to her like that. Where's all this coming from? She's my little girl, blood or not and I won't let you say things like that to her."

Eloise stormed out of the house, clearly annoyed.

"I'm sorry Jess, we should have told you."

"Is it true? You didn't want me?"

"It was a drunken decision to adopt, yes but it doesn't stop me from loving you any less."

"But you didn't really want me?"

"No but like I said, you're still my little girl."

Still repressing the tears, I made my way to my room where they could finally fall.
I was adopted and still not wanted. Why me?

Why wasn't my biological mother fit to raise me? Why is there no reason as to why my biological father gave me up? It's not like he hadn't got the money to raise a child, plus I've heard his music, he has other kids who he adores. Why couldn't he adore me aswell?

Wait, he has other kids. I have siblings.

Everything that could have possibly gone wrong with me taking a DNA test has gone wrong. Now I have two sets of parents that don't want me.

Thankfully, before I can get too lost in my own thoughts, I hear my phone buzzing beside me and look down to see Lexi's name flashing across the screen.

"Hey Lex."

"Jess, how'd it go? You contacted your biological parents yet?"

"Terrible. I have two sets of parents that clearly don't want me, apart from Dan who's being a decent human being and saying he still loves me. And no, I haven't spoken to my bio parents. Dan says my real mum didn't think she was fit to raise me and they said they have no idea why my bio dad got rid of me."

"Damn Jess, that's tough. You should reach out though. You know your bio mum, what was her name? Paige? You know she didn't think she was fit to raise you and I respect that. She obviously wanted the best life for you but don't you want to know Marshall's reason? Why he left? I'm sure it's easy enough to find his manager's email online. Give it a go. Find out the truth and then you can move on."

"You're right, thanks Lex."

"Anytime girl. Love you."

"Right back at ya."

Lexi was right. Grabbing my laptop and searching in Eminem's management I come across an email address for a Mr Rosenberg and decide it's worth a shot.

He might reply, he might not but I'll never know if I never try.

I type out an email explaining everything that has happened and include the paperwork from the DNA company and my contact details. Before I change my mind, I click send. There's really no going back now.

All that's left to do is wait...

A/N - this chapter was kind of just used as a filler to set up ready for the next chapter which is in Marshall's POV.

As always, any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

~ Im 💕

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