Chapter 2

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Rossi had never seen a kid so fascinated with a window before. From the time they left Quantico to the moment they pulled up to Rossi's mansion, Genius' face was pressed against the glass. His eyes might as well have been sparkling. He was so amazed by every light, every billboard, every sign. There wasn't a single skyscraper that wasn't gawked at. Not a single car went unnoticed.

In fact, the only thing Genius found more enjoyable than staring out the window was staring up at the night sky once he was out of the car.

"You don't have any clothes with you, right?" Rossi stuck his key in the door and gave it a twist, letting them both inside. "I'll get you a t-shirt to sleep in for tonight."

Genius stepped in and looked around, smiling at the high ceilings and glass chandelier. "I don't need one. I can sleep in my regular clothes."

"You know, there's a thing called 'graciously accepting an offer.' You might want to try it sometime." Rossi smirked and entered the key code to prevent the alarm going off, more amused by Genius than frustrated.

"But I don't need what you offered." Genius cocked his head to the side. "Did you intend to offer a shower? Because I will take that. Food, too. I was supposed to be fed hours ago." He blinked a few times and then looked around again. "Your house is very beautiful, and that statement is entirely objective. Most people think beauty is subjective, but almost all things considered beautiful can be broken down to mathematical patterns and shapes the human brain finds alluring."

Rossi smirked to himself. Geniuses didn't like pleasantries or beating around the bush, and Rossi could respect that. He always hated politics.

"Glad you objectively like the house, kid."

Genius nodded his head on a loop, turning in a circle where he stood and inspecting the interior from top to bottom. Rossi watched him, taking in his appearance for the first time since he arrived.

Normally, Rossi would have assessed Genius within thirty seconds of meeting him—profiling came so naturally he wouldn't have been able to stop himself—but Rossi had spent the past several days profiling non-stop. He had laid eyes on Genius, made a few quick notes, and then it was back to the case.

With the case closed, Rossi had more time to observe. However, despite Genius wearing his heart on his sleeve, there really wasn't a lot about him to profile.

There was the constant ticcing, of course. Genius claimed he was able to stop at any time, but his fingers never ceased their twitching and tapping. Of course, it had been a pretty overwhelming day for him. Maybe he hadn't stopped jittering because he hadn't had a chance to calm down, but Rossi would withhold judgement on that for the time being.

Rossi frowned slightly, looking at the clothing Genius was wearing. They looked like hospital or prison scrubs. They were bland, gray, and frumpy, especially on Genius' lanky frame, and Rossi had to assume they were standard issue. Genius was too exuberant and excitable to choose a colorless wardrobe on his own.

Hmm... I wonder... I might have to dig through my closet tomorrow.

"Come on, kid." Rossi started up the staircase in the foyer, motioning for Genius to follow. "I've got a few guest rooms up here. I figure you'll want the one close to mine." Since Genius seemed to have such a problem with being unsupervised. "They all have bathrooms if you want to take a shower, and I'll have something whipped up for dinner in about thirty minutes." Because there was really no point in trying to go to sleep while he was high on adrenaline, and he was feeling pretty hungry anyway.

"Where are the other guests?"

"Nobody here but us, kiddo."

"But you have other guest rooms." Genius sounded so confused when he replied that Rossi had to look.

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