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1 month later

"Do you want to go to the beach with me?" Kibum asked, his eyes sparkling. Kathryn couldn't refuse that look.


She knew Kibum liked water-skiing, but so far she'd managed to avoid doing it with him. She didn't wanna have to explain her secret, but going to the beach with him would make that hard.

"I don't wanna swim, okay?" Kathryn said as they went out.

"Relax, we'll just hang out."

The two had a nice day out at the beach chatting and having ice cream. It was always nice when they could spend time together like this.

At the end of the day they went walking beside the coast, and dipped their feet in the water. Kibum splashed her and she laughed, starting a splashing match.

"Stop it!" She laughed as they began fighting in the water, getting soaked. They were getting dangerously close to the deeper water and suddenly she began to feel afraid. Kibum didn't notice though and kept messing around.

"Okay stop now, stop!" Kate snapped at him, making him stop in confusion. When he saw how she was trembling he tried to reach out to her but she started walking away.

"Kate! I'm sorry!" He shouted as he ran to catch up with her.

She walked over to a rock and sat down, shivering. Panic and anxiety was running through her body as she put her arms around herself and closed her eyes.

Kibum knew better than to touch her so he just sat beside her, waiting until she could speak again.

"I'm really sorry," he said softly.

Kate waited until her breathing calmed down. "It's okay."

Kibum put his coat around her shoulders. "No it's not. I should have noticed."

"You didn't know." She looked away into the distance.

"Do you want to go home?"

Kate nodded and he took her home. 

Once they were all tucked up in bed, she felt comfortable enough to explain to him what happened.

"The summer when I turned 11, my family booked a beach holiday. Everything went well until the final days when we were playing on the beach. I was playing in the waves with my siblings when I got pulled out by a current. I couldn't get back so eventually... I drowned."

Kibum's eyes widened. "Like, actually drowned?"

"Yeah. I was taken to the hospital and stayed in a coma for 4 days. The doctor said there was little chance I'd make it out unscathed."

"Wow." His grip on her tightened.

"It was a miracle that I had no brain damage when I woke up, but I was very weak and had to stay in hospital for a while. I missed the first part of school and needed help that whole year. My hair got all matted together and I had to cut it, so if you see photos of that time I have very short hair." Kate swallowed. "I'm grateful to all the nurses and hospital clowns who kept me entertained and made me feel better, but ever since then I've been afraid of deep and open water."

"That's understandable."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. To be honest, I've never really spoken about this since the incident. I know you like water-skiing but I can't go with you."

"It's okay." Kibum smiled. "I'm just glad you're alive and well." He kissed her, going down to her neck. "What would I do without you?"

She smirked as he began going lower. "Not much, apparently."

"Can I make it up to you?" he asked breathlessly.

"Sure." She smirked, relaxing under his touch as his hands began to roam, his kisses getting needier.

Before she fell asleep that night, Kate resolved to do what she could to conquer her fear of water and surprise Kibum with it so they could go water-skiing together. He motivated her to do better, and she wanted to give him something in return.

What have you done to me Kim Kibum? she thought as she shook her head lightly, snuggling into his chest.

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