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Kathryn's mind slowed to a halt as she looked at him down on one knee.

"A-Are you sure?"

"Never been more sure of anything in my life."

Emotion rose within her. "I... Yes." She nodded.

Kibum looked relieved as he stood up to put the ring on her finger.

"I know it's too big but I'll get you a proper one."

Kathryn couldn't even respond as tears fell from her eyes. He was crying too as they hugged, knowing that things were different now.

"I don't know what to say," Kathryn said. "I love you."

"I love you too." Kibum kissed her. "Listen, can we... delay your flight a little? How much time have you got left?"

"Only a few days."

"Then spend them with me, please. I'll get you another flight."

Kathryn looked up into his eyes. "Okay then."

Kathryn and Kibum spent two days together in their little bubble, enjoying their newfound status. She never in a million years thought he would do this and wondered if it was just because she was leaving, but he assured her it was not.

"I knew I wanted to marry you one day a while ago. Circumstances just made me ask sooner," he explained.

When Kathryn finally left, Kibum felt at peace. He knew she'd be back, and that she'd be his wife.

"You're happy today," Minho commented in the car. "Feeling better?"

Kibum had been so down lately that this change in attitude was noticed by everyone.

"I asked Kathryn to marry me."

Jinki choked and spat out his water, prompting Taemin to pat his back. It took a couple of minutes for everyone to calm down.

"Did she say yes?" Minho asked.


"Congratulations." Taemin smiled. "But didn't she go home?"

"Yeah but she'll be back."

"I'm happy you're happy." Minho smiled. "Who'd have thought you'd be the first to get married?"

"Certainly not me," said Taemin innocently, earning a look from Kibum.

Only Jinki hadn't said anything yet. Kibum turned to him anxiously. "What do you think?"

As the leader of the band, his opinion mattered greatly.

"I'm happy for you. I just wonder if she knows what she's getting into."

"What do you mean?"

"This life, being with an idol, isn't easy. It's a lot of sacrifice."

"She knows that. She cares more about my career than me," said Kibum, irritably.

"Good. I just wanted to make sure. We all just want the best for you two."

Kibum knew that Jinki was only looking out for him so he shot him a smile.

"Thank you, brother."

They all decided to celebrate his engagement, taking him out for drinks like they used to. Kibum enjoyed it all, knowing that Jonghyun would be very proud of him.

Meanwhile, Kathryn couldn't stop silently crying on her flight. So much had happened in a short time and it was just overwhelming. She was happy, of course, but that didn't mean that her problems were over, it just brought more questions.

The kind old lady next to her kept giving her tissues and eventually, she told her about her engagement and a bit about her troubles.

"Marriage is the best thing, I've been married to my husband for 47 years now and he's my best friend." She seemed to glow as she thought of him. "Don't worry, life is actually simple. It's just us who complicate it. Love always finds a way."

The woman's kind words stayed in her mind and helped her change her view of things. She was gonna marry the man she loved. What could be better than that?

Her family came to pick her up at the airport. Her mum, still in her NHS head nurse uniform, her older sister Isabelle, André, her younger brother who was a semi-professional basketball player, her younger sister Amber who was a stylist and dancer, and the youngest, Henry, who was hard-of-hearing and a chef.

Kathryn was so happy to see them all that she ran to greet them, jumping into their arms. They all had so much to tell each other, but she wanted to make sure they knew the most important thing.

"Guys, I have something to tell you," she said in the car.

"What sweetie?" Her mum, Crystal, answered.

"I'm engaged."

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