Chapter 15| Unveiling jealousy

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After the electrifying dance on the terrace, something had shifted between Maryam and Aahil. The unspoken desires that had been simmering beneath the surface now felt like an invisible barrier, leaving them both unsure of how to proceed.

Maryam decided to distance herself, not just from Aahil, but also from the entire festival planning. She found solace in spending time with her thoughts, reflecting on the intense emotions that had taken hold of her. In her moments of solitude, she allowed herself to acknowledge the growing attraction she felt for him, even as she wrestled with her own feelings.

During this period of self-imposed isolation, a new presence entered the haveli. Ayesha, Aahil's childhood friend, arrived unexpectedly. Maryam observed them from a distance as they interacted, their laughter and camaraderie filling the air.

Ayesha, or "Aalu" as she affectionately called him, seemed to bring out a side of Aahil that Maryam hadn't witnessed before. They talked for hours on end, sharing stories from their past, reminiscing about their childhood. Maryam watched them from afar, feeling a twinge of jealousy she couldn't quite explain.

As Maryam spent more time observing Ayesha, she began to notice the stark differences between them. Ayesha was everything Maryam was not—traditional, modest, and seemingly perfect in every way. She covered her head, she prayed regularly, and she could effortlessly navigate the kitchen to create delicious meals.

One evening, as Maryam found herself alone in the kitchen, a surge of determination overcame her. She decided to prove to herself that she could also be capable of creating something wonderful. She picked a recipe and began to gather the ingredients, her optimism buoyed by the desire to prove her worth.

However, the process quickly turned into a disaster. Ingredients were spilled, pots and pans were scattered, and the kitchen became a chaotic mess. Maryam's frustration mounted as she attempted to salvage the situation, but her efforts seemed to only make things worse.

In her haste, she forgot to close the stove properly, and gas began to leak into the kitchen. Unaware of the danger, she left the kitchen in a disarray, feeling defeated and embarrassed by her failed attempt at cooking.

Hours passed, and it was Aahil who discovered the gas leak. His anger flared as he rushed to close the stove and ventilate the room. He stormed into Maryam's presence, his voice a mixture of concern and irritation.

"What were you thinking, Maryam? Leaving the stove open like that? Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?"

Maryam's face flushed with a mixture of shame and regret. "I didn't realize... I'm sorry."

Aahil's frustration seemed to give way to something deeper, a worry that lingered beneath the surface. "You could have put us all in danger. You need to be more responsible."

Maryam's eyes welled with tears, her emotions a tangled mess. "I know, Aahil. I messed up. I'm sorry."

Aahil's voice softened, his concern now evident. "You have to be more careful, Maryam. This isn't just about you."

Maryam nodded, her throat tight with emotions she couldn't fully express. She had come face to face with her own recklessness, and the consequences could have been dire.

In the aftermath of the incident, Maryam found herself reflecting on her own shortcomings. She couldn't help but compare herself to Ayesha—the perfect woman who seemed to effortlessly embody everything Maryam was not. The green tendrils of jealousy tightened their grip, leaving her feeling inadequate and small.

As Maryam grappled with her feelings, she found herself questioning her place in Aahil's world. It wasn't just about the festival planning anymore; it was about who she was and who she could never be. The feelings that had been smoldering beneath the surface had now ignited into a full-blown storm of emotions, and Maryam was left navigating a sea of uncertainty and self-doubt.

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