Chapter 9| Clash of Titans

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Despite their truce the previous night, the morning sunlight seemed to reignite the simmering tensions between Maryam and Aahil. Every step seemed to be a potential landmine, and even the smallest interactions ignited sparks of irritation.

As Maryam walked into the living room, Aahil's voice cut through the silence. "You're going to see my grandmother today, right?"

Maryam nodded, her tone civil. "Yes, I am."

He looked her up and down, his expression disapproving. "You might want to wear something more decent."

Her eyes flashed with annoyance, but she kept her voice steady. "Define 'decent,' Mr. Khan."

Aahil's lips twitched with a hint of smugness. "You know exactly what I mean. Dress appropriately, like a woman should."

Her tone turned icy. "Wow, Mr. Khan, despite our differences, I thought you had moved past the judgmental phase. But it seems some things never change."

He frowned, his voice defensive. "I'm not judging you. I'm just suggesting that you wear something respectful because my grandmother is coming."

Maryam's voice dripped with sarcasm. "Ah, I see. So, it's not about your grandmother's preferences, it's about your own."

Aahil's patience wavered, his tone terse. "It's about both. She prefers traditional clothing."

Maryam crossed her arms, her voice laced with irritation. "And I suppose you also prefer women to conform to your outdated ideals."

Aahil's gaze narrowed, his tone sharp. "It's not about me, it's about respecting traditions."

Maryam's eyes sparked with defiance. "Or perhaps it's about controlling women and dictating how they should live their lives."

Aahil's jaw clenched, his frustration evident. "Don't twist this into something it's not."

Maryam's retort was scathing. "Oh, I'm not twisting anything. It's crystal clear that you're a judgmental man who can't stand strong women who defy his expectations."

Aahil's voice rose, his patience shattered. "You're pushing the boundaries, Maryam."

Her voice matched his intensity. "Good, maybe it's time someone did."

Their verbal sparring had escalated to a point of no return. Aahil's anger fueled his words. "You know, it's amazing how someone with such a modern outlook can have such a narrow perspective."

Maryam's eyes flashed, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, is that what you think? Coming from someone who can't seem to accept that times have changed?"

Aahil's retort was sharp, his tone biting. "Just because the world has changed doesn't mean it's changed for the better."

Maryam's frustration flared, her voice fierce. "And just because you're stuck in the past doesn't mean you get to decide what's right for everyone else."

Their exchange of jabs was a symphony of anger, pride, and unyielding wills. The tension was palpable, their chemistry sizzling even in the midst of their heated arguments.

Later, as Aahil's grandmother, Najma, arrived, the atmosphere was thick with apprehension. Maryam entered the room, dressed in a kurti with a dupatta draped over her shoulder. Aahil's eyes lingered on her attire, a mixture of approval and annoyance dancing in his gaze.

Najma smiled warmly at Maryam. "My dear, you look lovely."

Maryam's smile was genuine. "Thank you"

As the three of them sat down for tea, the conversation flowed between Najma and Maryam. They laughed, shared stories, and talked about everything under the sun. Aahil watched them interact, feeling like an outsider in his own home.

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