1.1 | Dean's Return

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❝ 𝗟𝗮𝘇𝗮𝗿𝘂𝘀 𝗥𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 ❞

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Back forced against the wall, Millie fights against the invisible force holding her in place as she watches with wide eyes. Dean lays back with Hellhounds tearing into his chest and stomach, his yells made Millie's eyes fill with tears as she gasped for air. Sam's own eyes were filled with tears as the two watched with heartache as their older brother was being torn apart, his soul dragged to Hell at the hands of Lillith.

Lillith smirked as she turned to the twins, Millie didn't have the energy to glare at the demon standing before her. Lillith raised her hand with a smile before a bright white light filled the room, Millie squeezed her eyes shut ready to accept death; she could only hope and pray that she'd be with her brothers in death.

Millie opens her eyes when the light dulls, Sam and Millie are both on the floor in front of a confused Lillith. "How?" Lillith asked but neither of the twins knew what had happened. Lillith immediately left the body that formerly was possessed by Ruby leaving the twins behind.

Millie turned to Dean's body and let out a cry, she crawled over to him and wept as she cupped his face in her hands. "Wake up, Dean... please, wake up... I need you... I need my big brother... please," Millie pleaded and begged as Sam made his way over, wrapping his arms around his twin before pulling her into his chest where she cried.

Suddenly, the lights went dark and Millie was no longer in Sam's embrace. She stood up as Dean's body faded leaving her in the empty environment. "Dean! Sam! Bobby!" Millie shouted but the words simply echoed into the vast environment, her heart began pounding as she spun in circles before a bright light appeared in front of her.

Her eyes widened at the shape that stood before her, six large angel wings flared out in a shine of blue; The glow of the wings prevented Millie from seeing the face of the angel standing before her. "Who are you?" Millie asked though her eyes were wide with wonder, the glow reflecting off of her brown eyes. "Dean Winchester has been saved," A soft voice echoed.

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Dean gasps awake in a dark place, he breathes heavily as he flicks his lighter taking notice of the confined space he is in. Dean pounds on the wood above his head; dirt rains down on his face as he continues to pound on the top of the coffin. In the middle of a grassy field, a simple wooden cross is planted with a single red tulip stuck to it along with a leather bracelet attached.

A hand bursts out of the dirt followed by another, Dean crawls his way out of the ground, groaning and gasping for air. He lies on his back, panting before he stands, looking around in the glaring sunlight. Around his headstone is a perfect circle of dead trees, lying on the ground as if an unearthly powerful blast had knocked them down.

𝐖𝐚𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 ♡ SupernaturalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora