Round 4??

189 14 4

Author POV

Mina walked into the hallway, her footsteps was all that could be heard. But that was short lived as she heard another pair of footsteps follow closely behind her, they were heavier. The girl turned to look behind her but she didn't manage to get a glance.

The unknown figure grabbed Mina's hand and yanked her along towards the exit. Mina was about to yell for help when the suddenly were outside. The hand had stopped yanking her and she no longer felt the physical contact from the person.

"What the hell do you wa-" She was cut off by the reveal of mysterious figure. She slightly widened her eyes "Bambam?"

He shot her a weak smile. "What the hell? I thought I was being kidnapped" Mina laid a hand on her racing heart. Bambam remained silent while looking at her. Puzzled, Mina tilted her head "why'd you drag me out here?"

"Mina, we need to talk"

Mina heard the words, but showed no emotion towards them. However, maybe showing emotion towards that sentence would have been a good idea, since she was playing the role of his girlfriend after all.

"Talk about what?"

"About this, us" Bambam gestured to them both. Mina knew this talk was coming, she had been brushing the boy off, and made it blatantly obvious. Mina had been wanting to break up with him for a while now, ever since she got closer to his step-sister. 

But she knew that would set off a trigger in his head, especially because they're in the middle of a boxing tournament and even more so now that Chaeyoung could be a potential opponent of his in the finals.

"What about us, Bambam?" 

The boy sighed in frustration "you know exactly what Mina" he was stern in his tone, something that the girl didn't like the sound of.

"I don't, so tell me" Mina plainly said back.

"You've been dodging my calls, we barely hang out, and we're not even physical anymore" The boy was annoyed, Mina could tell, but she mentally sighed, he had every right to be.

Mina sighed "I'm sorry I just-" He cut her off "tell me, is there someone else"

Mina widened her eyes, she didn't expect him to come to that conclusion so quickly. But now she was faced with a dilemma.

Lie and have to hide her affection for Chaeyoung? Or risk it and tell him the truth, but he could end up hurting Chaeyoung more than he needs to.

The answer was clear. "No there's no one else. There's just a lot going on right now"

Bambam remained looking at her, giving her a blank stare. She couldn't read emotion on his face. After a couple seconds of holding his blank gaze, Bambam sighed and threw his head back.

"Where did I go wrong? Tell me, what did I do?" The boy asked her. Mina couldn't give him an answer, there was on reasonable explanation. How could she tell her boyfriend that she had fallen in love with someone else, especially when that person lived in the same house as him?

Trick question, there is no easy way of letting him down slowly or easy for that matter.

"I-, it's not you Bam, it's me" The girl uttered. Ah, the classic line straight out of a cringy teenage film, she was not making it easy for him at all.

Bambam sighed once again and looked away from the girl. His eyes looked at everything surrounding them, from the public bins outside, to the cars parked in the lot. She eyed him, studying his facial expressions, trying to anticipate what he'll say next. However, what she couldn't have predicted were the words that followed after.

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