Initial Meeting

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Mina's POV

'5, 6, 7,8' Momo said while rhythmically clicking her fingers with the tempo. I swayed my hips and moved my arms in a smooth-like, fluid motion. 'Good Mina! Be sexy!' Momo said while still clicking her fingers in a beat. 

I looked at myself in the mirror while dancing, making eye contact with myself, before finishing up the dance.

'Hold it, hold it, hold it,' Momo said while looking at me, I did as she said and held my ending position, 'Okay we're done!' Momo clapped while smiling, before coming over to me with a fresh cold water bottle, 'You did good! My moves look so good on you' She grinned while looking at me, I playfully slapped her shoulder 

"Oh shut up, I just look good" I shot back which she laughed. I walked to the couch and let myself fall onto it, 'God, I'm tired, we've been practising for hours' I weakly said with my head leaned back into the couch. 

"Don't get too tired, Mitang. We're going over to Sana's to hangout and have dinner" Momo uttered as she slumped down on the couch next to me. 'Special occasion?' I asked wondering, 'Hmm' Momo said while pulling out her phone to read out Sana's text 'She said she's going to introduce us to her situationship and the girl's friends' Momo read out before looking at me.

My eyes slightly widen 'The Tzuyu girl right?' I asked clarifying. 'Yeah and Jihyo will be there too' Momo then turned off her phone. 

"How's that boyfriend of yours?" Momo said while stretching her arms, 'He's good, we're fine, He has a match coming up next week' I muttered while pulling out my phone to check the time 6:41pm, 'Righttt, I forgot he's a boxer, how's that going for him?' Momo asked

I shrugged my shoulders while maintaining eye contact with my phone 'Last fight he had he came back with a cut on his face and a busted lip' I was used to Bambam coming back with bruises from his fights, we'd been dating for around 4 months now, he'd participated in a few but no major injuries so far. 

Thank god. 'He always gets angry so easily during his fights, it's like a switch flips and he's a totally different person' I sighed, 'Maybe fighters are just short tempered' Momo shrugged. Maybe she's right, what I didn't like about Bambam's boxing is not that he comes back with bruises and cuts. 

It's the fact that he becomes a completely different person when he's in the ring. I've only ever gone to one of his fights, and I couldn't even stay till the end. I watched as Bambam started beating up the guy even when his opponent clearly was already defeated, he became ruthless, merciless; it scared me.

Luckily for Bambam, I know a thing or two about cleaning up bruises and cuts, and how to clean them properly and how to carefully manage them. 

My father is a surgeon at our family's hospital. From a young age he taught me how to properly take care of wounds since my older brother Jackson would often get injured. My mother is a respected lawyer, her parents have a law firm which is where she works.

My parents having such successful careers always pushed me to pursue my passion, whatever that may be. I love dancing, always have. Ever since I was young, I loved dancing. I first started when I was a toddler, I did ballet for 11 years before switching things up and trying to learn more contemporary and hip hop style dancing. 

Momo and Sana have been my best friends since I was a kid, our parents were quite close and would often see each other which obviously meant us 3 got to hangout a lot. The 3 of us formed a performance group called MISAMO, we do dance performances and have performed in front of huge crowds. 

We weren't famous but I'm hoping we'll get there one day. Dancing was my passion, but it also came with way too many uncertainties, what scares me the most is that what if I pursue dance and never end up making it? What will I be left with? These questions filled my head, so as a backup, I took nursing and legal courses along with dance, just so I can have an option to fall back on.

The Fight In MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora