Carnival 2

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Chaeyoung POV

Fuck this guy, seriously. He's drunk out of his mind right now. My thoughts stayed on Mina, how scared she looked when he was around, fuck, I knew I should have brought her with me instead of leaving her there. Fuck. I eyed the drunk man, observing his movements, anticipating whether he was gonna take a swing at me.

I didn't wanna fight him no, he was drunk, I didn't want to seriously hurt him, I just had to put him in a lock, so until someone of actual power shows up around this damn place, where's the police when you need em.

It made me feel better that Tzuyu was around, it took much stress off knowing that Mina would be protected if ever this guy decides to throw a punch. A took a deep breath 'Just go home', he looked at me clearly annoyed, and took a step forward.

From the moment he planted his foot down, everything felt like it was in slow motion, judging by the way his left shoulder slightly rises and his right slowly drops, I knew a right jab was coming, I quickly shifted the weight between my feet, making me feel lighter and allowing me to move faster.

The guy threw his right hand for a punch straight to my face, anticipating this, I slightly ducked, allowing me push his arm with a bit of force, moving his whole body. His left arm dropped and I grabbed it and held it behind his back, along with his right one. Finally, this guy can stop being a nuisance.

'L-LET ME G-GO Y-YOU SLUT' he yelled, my face remained emotionless, I held him in place when a few security guards showed up, taking my place behind the man and placing handcuffs on him, restraining him. 'FUCK YOU BITCH' he yelled one last time at me before getting dragged away. I huffed a sigh before turning around and walking over to Tzuyu and the two japanese girls.

Tzuyu got out of the way and I approached Mina 'you okay?' I asked her, looking at her while her head was down, I reached my hand to rub her back when I felt her pull me in for a hug, her arms wrapped around my neck as I held her waist with one hand and rubbed her back with the other.

'I was worried about you' she mumbled, I looked over at Tzuyu and gave her a look, she instantly knew what I meant, she grabbed Sana's waist and walked away with her, leaving me and Mina. 'Don't be, I'm okay' I reassured her, she pulled back and looked at me, with her arms still around my neck and my hand still on her waist and I moved my hand that was previously on her back to her face and cupped her chin

 'Are you okay though?' my voice coated in concern, she slowly nodded and gave me a weak smile, 'I'm sorry, that happened, I should've been there earlier, to stop him' I apologised to her, she shook her head 'you're here now', I smiled 'I am'. 

We gazed into each other's eyes and I felt myself lean in, she closed her eyes, feelings of butterflies began flooding my stomach. What are you doing to me, Mina?

Suddenly remembering her teasing from earlier, I decided it was my turn to return the favour, I gently rubbed my thumb on her bottom lip, causing her to open her eyes, she instantly locked her eyes with mine. I continued rubbing her lip and she slightly parted her lips, fuck, the sight of it was extremely sexy, the way she stared deeply at me and the feeling of her lips on my thumb was slightly turning me on, but I remained calm and kept my cool, so as to not wake a particular something down there.

I leant towards her ear and let my voice drop lower 'Tzuyu took our food, but I'm sure I can get you something else to eat' I said seductively, obviously implying a double meaning, I pulled back to see her eyes closed and her bottom lip caught between her teeth, she's so hot.

I turned around and held her hand, once again leading her through the crowds of people, over to a taco place. This time I made sure she came with me in line, not trying to have a repeat of previous events.

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