Chapter 12

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Author POV

The boxer came out of the shower, drying the rest of her body. She found a pair of black track pants and a shirt, her sports bra and boxers were on. She looked around for a hoodie or a shirt to wear when she found the the hoodie she had given the brunette the night before.

The blonde smiled to herself, remembering the events that occurred that night. Snapping out of her daze, she zipped up the hoodie and out of habit pull it over her head.

The blonde walked out of the girl's room. She was about to announce her arrival before she looked at the brunette's back.

Mina had a crop top on showing the lower bit of her torso, with flowy shorts, highlighting her long legs. The blonde found this incredibly sexy.

However, despite this, she was better than the man at the convenient store and the boys that loitered her apartment building. Sure she'd play around with the brunette but she isn't some horny guy wanting only sex from the dancer.

She shook her head removing any chance of sexual desire forming.

"Hey Myoui" The blonde called out to the dancer, leaning on the counter behind Mina.

"God, you scared me again Chaeng" The dancer held her hand to her chest, clearly startled.

The brunette eyed the hoodie the blonde wore, noticing this the blonde spoke

"I guess I'll take this back?" The blonde teased, earning a giggle from the brunette

"The food will be done soon" Mina stated turning back to the stove

"And Chaeng..." she spoke again, the blonde looked at her the girl's back

"Thanks for... you know... helping me out with that man at the store... and the boys out the front" the brunette shyly said turning around to look at the blonde.

The boxer smiled "you don't needa thank me Myoui" The blonde approached the dancer, they stared deep into each other's eyes.

"But you really are beautiful. I hope you know that" The blonde admitted, bringing her hand up to the brunette's face to brush a piece of her hair behind her ear. Although the action seemed bold, even the boxer herself was surprised at her own actions.

Mina removed the hood off the boxer's head revealing the girl's blonde hair.

A smile formed on the brunette's face. The two stared at each other, until the dancer noticed how the boxer's eyes quickly glanced at her lips before meeting her eyes again. A smirk formed on the brunette's lips. Mina slowly took a grip at the hem of Chaeyoung's hoodie, and the blonde noticed this and slowly leaned in, with Mina closing her eyes, anticipating the contact.

buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz

Chaeyoung POV

Fuck sake, of course my phone has to go off at the worse moment.

"I-uh, I should um, probably get that" I said to the girl in front of me, I looked at her apologetically.

"N-no yeah, of course. I'll set up the table" Mina said to me as we both pulled away, with our cheeks red.

I looked for my phone which sat on the kitchen counter and excused myself and went down the hallway.



I answered it

Me: Hey, unnie

Jihyo: There you areee. How's my little tiger??

Me: I'm okay unnie, you?

Jihyo: Very good, I have the house to myself so I can finally relax

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